Ships with "GH" without a hair on the language stating that people have plugged in this issue, calling them and accusing them of cronyism mafia
knew it was in the house of GH10, sincere as ever, says what comes out of the soul does not care what people think about it and so today will give us his opinion on what you think of the input famosillos in the new edition of Gh and told us how things have gone and what he thinks of one of his former teammates ...
Ana Good afternoon, how are you long ago that we know nothing of you ... I know you've been traveling around the world as you been? ... still
R. - I just arrived from London to promote my designs of medieval castles and crusades and they loved them, can not stop investing is not taken up by the crisis but I have always traveled outside Europe, so once you know all the countries of Europe, when you say I'm Copenhagen (I go every month) people say .... good trip and will metepatas Ana Toro and jump, but if four-hour flight is not a trip! and are offended and attacked, because they think I presume, but it's my life and I've always done that so it's nothing special or cool cool ... Well yes, but the fact of being always prepared to receive a call or Mail and run away to Turkey, Venice, Rome, Russia, Sweden ... Just for a day trip is normal for me. But it is not so good because changing schedules, food and terrible dreams is health and if you arrive in Copenhagen at 06:00 pm have dinner and can not find anywhere to eat until the next day or in Vietnam eat dogs, cats and worms and do not eat, not eat, you eat bone and Texas all itchy and fattening in England eat super bad, to tell you I'm vaccinated nine things type yellow fever, typhus, things that you catch in the jungle and if you always gives you something strange, fevers, and never know it but I'm very strong need to psychologically adjust to all (unless they send me silent). I come from Madrid to interview, will work to adiospajaro.com , will be super fun.
Yes, if it shows; D. .. We have not seen the show that made the other day about the big brothers ... Were you one of those wonderful trips or not you invited?
R. - Apart from not being, you gave you not that strange that not a video of me, as if it were banned? or fighting, or Isabella dressed or dancing or anything! It is rare not! I know why it was, because I asked Mercedes to go to the gala and lied to me with excuses, because I think it sends is just stupid excuses and lies, she does not think so, but as a mob you're caught speaking ill or interviews regular (telling the truth) on GH as do not be a ball you start to attack programs and fuck you life with forgiveness ... An example Indhira super green and attacked put to death, seen now as having hearing, and does not attack or anything in AR and in all the programs you do not miss, it's all a dirty DICTATORSHIP TV and I thought that with both I've done for both GH and people laughed with me, is neither moral, nor fair to ZERO videos of mine in this gala.
former contestant Niki Gh, also claimed that throughout the show made no mention of Gustavo, unfortunately died in a traffic accident, you think of that?
R. - is true.
With which contestants will come back to GH?
R. - Who is less competitive and will not betray the prize, people who go to be themselves, without masks and have fun, everything in life is not winning.
Who has disappointed you most?
R. - Rachel is so fake and disguised as a friend, usually by the big lie that is on TV, but sorry to say but I lie, not tell me I'm banned or something weird, because I Gh CENSOR say that does great damage to the people, it is true, and money corrupts everything, I feel like when you say the Kings are parents. Kiko Hernández, just to call when you get some information but when I send a message of friendship NEVER answer.
You maintained a love-hate relationship with Herman, how's the matter with you today?
R. - Love never has been, because I truly lonely, lonely, lonely, I was attracted to your positive energy, but mine is real, but yours is not, never have I hated, absolutely , is a poor man is not worthy of anyone with half a brain will fall in love of it, never respected me, I could not fall in love with someone unable to truly apologize and unprincipled, he just wanted to have fun with me and I'm not someone who sleeps with people because if happiness and peace is not looking well, I want someone who does not lie to me incessantly. It is believed man enough for me to set in? (Laughs) but if someone like me, even if it is ugly to say, I'm attracted to intellectual, honest and humble revelers not silicone and bipolar behavior problems, I with many curiosities to learn, to be more and better in everything we study and I do with my NGO (Chernobyl, Ecuador, etc.). could never be attracted (Love) someone selfish, I'm much more demanding with forgiveness and hope more heart, more philosophy and many more interesting thoughts, learn from the person I am and to learn just to wait, alone everywhere. Nico same or worse put me
Because this specimen is believed to Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal is not even.
Is not no going back to Germain?
R. - Germain and I would still very good friends if he had not sent a coward to his lawyer and his mother to frighten me with threats and manipulation to keep my mouth shut when I do not knew nothing of what happened, just tell the truth, he disappeared and came with blood on his arms any more and were other people who called to tell things TV, as neighbors, police and others. At that time his lawyer and his mother called me to scare, not to tell anyone
I can see on your Facebook that you're not totally disagree with the entry of Yago's house Guadalix ...
R. - I'm pretty negative because the scam is impressive GH and censorship is very ugly ... It's clear that it has entered and it is outrageous that plugged between a known, it is equally outrageous that Jorge Berrocal , María José Galera and won Pepe six times more than the others in the reunion.
When you say to Jorge, Maria José and Pepe claimed six times more than any other contestant on the reunion you mean within the program or once out of it?
R. - Inside the reunion, to freshen Telecinco interested Gh interest and had to be people each year, but nobody wanted to go the first year that they came late and because they are the best by be the first to charge more and that I do not look bad, but Gh know who will win from the start and we only take the fight to fill it seems to me immoral. Outside copper does not matter what each but in there falls, a horrible dream, a total hunger and lack of affection, it is hard to get out and see what farm takes 50% of very little for what they earn and then if they want to put short videos, in which it is interpreted that 've done things you've done and you can not defend yourself and understand that they will earn € 6000 per week and the other € 1000 because the program was concerned that there were people each year and not critical but we like the hardship.
you recommend to people entering Gh?
R. - You think that you would recommend? If you want go hungry and sleep to such an extent that they touch the health and injury to the evidence ... If they want to hire them then nobody at all, even taking college career and 19 years of experience ... If you want to be afraid to leave to the streets for months, if they misjudge them without knowing, they want their families no longer talk because manipulated videos are created, if they want to win just 400 € more per month than any other work and be exposed to criticism cruel people They're not journalists, fed to attack and humiliate you in dishes that force you to go without pay ...? Well, I would recommend ...
Ana Well I leave this room for you to say what you want to whoever you want ...
R. - I say forgive me who do not believe the truth but I have always defended the weak and fought to prevent injustice and sorry to be negative but can not speak well of a program that destroys so many people, in so many ways because I'd be lying and letting people keep excited false hopes,
Being popular is not good, is for people with low self-esteem but neither is long term, only makes you a successful suit that falls apart
the rain and lack of sensibility of the people we hurt almost more than the project, because we believe that much money without suffering anything (which is totally false) brings us problems, even when looking for work or request a custom
I have tried three times to collect some things because they think I have a lot of money
And not only me, I am more positive and cheerful person the world, but I'm realistic,
family lose, you lose freedom, lose your job and many friends that stick to you to get something or rather you cast them in your life for it and I swear I'll never ball anyone to go out anywhere, because what I've earned myself struggling, studying many years and now I'm just "that of the TV," I hope everything back to normal but I doubt it is not fair that you manipuladisimos videos judged without let you defend yourself, however, I learned things that are learned only through years, and to assess the genuine friendship and that the ego or self-esteem is the most weak of the world, do not let anyone tell you who you are never alone in your behavior but for what you have been all your life. Heartfelt thanks for letting me express myself freely and tell the truth.
Thank you Ana, I wish you well.
NOTICE: Neither YOC MAGAZINE and Ana Santana made his Toro Ana statements contained in this interview. In exercising the constitutional right to freedom of expression we provide our resources for our partners to express themselves freely, being one of the authors responsible for their content. Thanks to Ana Toro and our readers
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