Most curious of this passage is that the El Salvador of humanity died unjustly crucified, abused and exposed to public shame to save the world from damnation, their murderers divided between whether their clothes. Even more revealing is to know what kind of clothes Jesus wore before the time of the crucifixion and why? According to what mentioned in the Bible Jesus's robe was seamless, made of one piece, which made her a more expensive piece of clothing. Some also point to the fact that Jesus had a treasurer or administrator of his fortune and many rich friends who were participating in banquets with some regularity. That once costly perfume was poured on his feet by Magdalene and Jesus got it approved when it could sell the perfume to distribute their earnings to the poor. I enter Jerusalem as a king riding a donkey, with full splendor in the midst of a crowd cheering.
All these and more arguments used by those who seek to distort the image of a Savior born in a manger with no other mission to save humanity by a loving Savior of the good life and possessed of much money and then preach the so-called "Gospel of prosperity "where the priority lies behind personal goals disguised as a main interest of divine blessing. The subtle intention is to justify the fact in their personal lives to replace the donkey for a Mazzerati, Lamborginis or Rolls Royce among others, and the seamless garment by Prada, Gucci and Armani. I do not understand how to justify personal planes, bodyguards and mansions when Jesus said - the Son of Man has nowhere to lay head (Matthew 8:20) preaching nor his repeated urging to boost profits and focus the prayers of souls weak in all sorts of material acquisitions when Jesus confronted the rich young man invited him to abandon his riches and follow (Mark 10:17-30) nor as may incite crowds to run that risk when Jesus said it much easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to the kingdom of heaven, or when Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit said - that all who claim to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and misleading statements that involve men in destruction and perdition. Because the root of all evil is the love of money. Which, coveting some have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. And at the beginning of this passage (even more curious) said - we brought nothing into this world and certainly nothing we can get, so be happy with just having food and raiment (1 Timothy 6:7-10) (EYE) does not say that we launched in a constant immersion in the sea of \u200b\u200bdiscontent until we piled million successful entrepreneurs preaching that we must all unite in this great enterprise. The consequences are evident in the Bible and is a very fragile wall. Instead, the Holy Spirit prompts us to go a more excellent way.
God can make a successful Christian Employer, but it will be difficult for a Christian to be a successful entrepreneur, and then the camel comes easy (Mark 10:25)
I still imagine Jesus dying on the cross, exposed to nudity and shame of all, provided the divine plan to save humanity through his death and blood while others are only able to watch your seamless garment, throw a lot and think of the dividends.
... By the way, the donkey was provided.
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