Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wella Koleston Shades

Department of Spelling: For you, whatever, but a tilde ... ever!

ACCENTS diacritics, those accents that serve to give a letter or word a distinctive value, have been popular recently. Academics, through leaks to the press, we have blown that are numbered the days of the accents we usually write about only adverb-adjective to distinguish the only - and demonstrative pronouns, as it , it and they , to differentiate them from their brethren adjectives this , that , these ...

To continue reading, click the following link: but-a-tilde% E2% 80% A6-% C2% A1jamas /

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dog With Macroglossia

the seamless garment

before dying Jesus was stripped of his clothes. Unlike films, which for preservation of decent divine image omitted in these scenes, nudity, the Bible can be read clearly that Jesus was stripped of all that had on me before the time of the crucifixion (Mark 15:24 ) .

Most curious of this passage is that the El Salvador of humanity died unjustly crucified, abused and exposed to public shame to save the world from damnation, their murderers divided between whether their clothes. Even more revealing is to know what kind of clothes Jesus wore before the time of the crucifixion and why? According to what mentioned in the Bible Jesus's robe was seamless, made of one piece, which made her a more expensive piece of clothing. Some also point to the fact that Jesus had a treasurer or administrator of his fortune and many rich friends who were participating in banquets with some regularity. That once costly perfume was poured on his feet by Magdalene and Jesus got it approved when it could sell the perfume to distribute their earnings to the poor. I enter Jerusalem as a king riding a donkey, with full splendor in the midst of a crowd cheering.

All these and more arguments used by those who seek to distort the image of a Savior born in a manger with no other mission to save humanity by a loving Savior of the good life and possessed of much money and then preach the so-called "Gospel of prosperity "where the priority lies behind personal goals disguised as a main interest of divine blessing. The subtle intention is to justify the fact in their personal lives to replace the donkey for a Mazzerati, Lamborginis or Rolls Royce among others, and the seamless garment by Prada, Gucci and Armani. I do not understand how to justify personal planes, bodyguards and mansions when Jesus said - the Son of Man has nowhere to lay head (Matthew 8:20) preaching nor his repeated urging to boost profits and focus the prayers of souls weak in all sorts of material acquisitions when Jesus confronted the rich young man invited him to abandon his riches and follow (Mark 10:17-30) nor as may incite crowds to run that risk when Jesus said it much easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to the kingdom of heaven, or when Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit said - that all who claim to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and misleading statements that involve men in destruction and perdition. Because the root of all evil is the love of money. Which, coveting some have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. And at the beginning of this passage (even more curious) said - we brought nothing into this world and certainly nothing we can get, so be happy with just having food and raiment (1 Timothy 6:7-10) (EYE) does not say that we launched in a constant immersion in the sea of \u200b\u200bdiscontent until we piled million successful entrepreneurs preaching that we must all unite in this great enterprise. The consequences are evident in the Bible and is a very fragile wall. Instead, the Holy Spirit prompts us to go a more excellent way.

God can make a successful Christian Employer, but it will be difficult for a Christian to be a successful entrepreneur, and then the camel comes easy (Mark 10:25)

I still imagine Jesus dying on the cross, exposed to nudity and shame of all, provided the divine plan to save humanity through his death and blood while others are only able to watch your seamless garment, throw a lot and think of the dividends.

... By the way, the donkey was provided.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

White Specs In Feline Stool

Angelina Jolie posing in bikini at age 16

Welcome Funny Messages

Ana Santana interview with Nico, "GH 5"

Nico responds harshly to the controversial remarks of his former partner Ana Toro ... "Until two weeks ago you suggested I do the chick mounts ..."

Nico GH 5, sits this afternoon in this confessional response to his former friend and fellow reality Ana Toro, taking advantage of what we have here Niko, tell us that this sees the new contestants and takes the opportunity to leave some tips ...

Nico Good afternoon, what you doing in life?

R. - Ciao Ana, life's going great, perfect health and the family very well, work well at the moment I'm working on an innovative product that I have patented many years ago and now is the right time for it on the market since mid-January is when I start to exploit it with franchises national level, starting with Tenerife and other Canary Islands and later as Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia ... If all goes as it should then give work to many people, including many Big Brothers have no job, I will need many commercials throughout the peninsula, but good and I will comment when it will be the right time, we are now working to perfect the product and register the name, trademark, design and everything you need an undertaking of this magnitude.

I see that things are going well ...

R. - I have luck because I do what I want to be happy, live as I like to live, I choose my path, but all this takes work, effort and perseverance. I will be in Madrid on Thursday and Friday in Valencia until Sunday, so do not stop colleague. I have good luck because I am happy with what I have, so all very, very well. I do not need big things to be happy with my child to be healthy for me and my family because I have everything, because the rest is optional, is a bonus, the most important thing for me is family and being healthy, so this is what I have butt, thanks God.

Well you named, the family, work, health ... But what about love? ... still

R. - My only great and true love is my son Unay. My heart has no room for anyone else, is still full and happy. You know I do not go running before sunset I'm home all day, so between my son, my family, my job, my animals, my garden plants, I have no time for anything else, on have only 24 hours, not to give me more. Anyway The word love is one of the largest there, I can not ever want anyone to love I need to know the person, know well in advance and unhurried, so far I have only love my angel Unay.

Ana Toro has said in an interview granted to this blog that you are equal to or worse than Germain and not let him in very good place to him. What do you say to that?

R. - Anna know everything that comes from the mouth of that person makes no sense, not my people, they do not know me at all. A woman scorned and rejected by me repeatedly and above all, to his former family, father, brothers do not talk and who have disowned it in every way that I want to tell you it is not worth it or comment on what she releases through the mouth, what I advise is a change of medication. So I do not make any kind of damage the creature's words ... I feel sorry and pity, nothing more than that.

Were you about to star the first time without her camera, if you had done you had repented?

R. - Time tubeless she asked me for a few weeks, so we felt that no most food at home and bored of always eating carbohydrates, as suggested by "Super" in the confessional that if they wanted me to take the time without a camera with Anna, had to bring me a tray of fresh seafood and grilled vegetables that are my favorite food, along with a bottle of Albariño and strawberries with cream, just to accept this condition when no cameras to Ana and she and all the house knew this, so she asked the costumes of Christopher Columbus and the other his and we went there, they enjoy the food, I swallowed a bottle of Albariño and now this.

There was some kissing but it was only because I drank alcohol, I do not usually drink and I let go, but nothing more than that ... I do not agree then the time without a camera with her ... This is what happened ... I do not regret anything because what I did because it I did and that's it, but never could have sex with a person, impossible. I am sorry to have given her my sincere and then when I got out to give birth, saying terrible things about me, cheap white lies such as the size of my penis is very small, but I was one of the only guys I did Gh Interviu and there you see the size of my penis. Not that I worry about my penis size is just to explain that he said things absurd and cockney, just trying to hurt me, but to no avail ... At first I was angry, but then I saw what kind of person is and if I did not do more. Until two weeks ago you suggested I do the chick mounts ...

What exactly was that setup, you had to do?

R. - Ana called me telling me not to hang up the phone, I had something important to say, suddenly began to say that as well know, at that time was a move in Germain, and was now very quoted on television. So if you wanted, it was not silly, she could to come to Tenerife and make us some pictures, because I had seen the photos that I had driven to Rachel when I invited her to my house this summer. And thus be able to mount well done and get us a lot of money because people want a lot and we can seize on as it begins GH12 now, since according to Anna is the perfect time for people to not forget us and not become a broken toy Gh

Moving on ... What do you think of the new contestants of GH?

R. - At the moment just like me, the redhead, Catalan, Ibiza and mature girl, I like the Jhota for his energy and sincerity, taking only 22 years since anyone will face check, I like the Hindu and perhaps even pacifist behaves in a certain way of interest or to look good, I like the Cadiz boyfriend Chari and Chari far I like too.

I do not like the Joaquín because I think that is false and does not have much character, is concerned and I am convinced that we have not even shown his true character, I can not believe it is 42 years old, I do not like the July because it seems too cocky, though perhaps it is not, but that is what has taught us all, not like the Flower and easy and cool girl, I like the Oscar for cool and believed beach and not see it as Iago Admittedly, you note that is competing So I'd like to see the contestants as they really are and not to behave in their best interests, I like honest people, fake or cheap players do not drink.

What do you think of Oscar the first expelled think it was just his departure?

R. - The output of Oscar saw very fair, I do not like people who speak ill of others behind their backs and are hesitant of them, Oscar juice and insult to their backs to Madrid, the having occasional physical problem, because this hit me like a kick in the ass, I dislike it when I saw that spoke ill of him and also got the Hindu religion kidding latter, moreover, that was a model at home. So I'm happy to drive it out.

Many people said that this year the choice of the contestants was not very clean on the issue that has come cone cooked, what do you think of that?

R. - I think in the world we live in because there is everything, what are injustices left over, so obviously also on TV about these things or rather, perhaps where there is more. I've learned in life that must have plugs anywhere, even in Hell, because it assures you a place there too, so heart, I think "A AS FEW WORDS wise "... Even if you say that this does not seem right but I wonder .... what is right and what is not?

Did you benefited or harmed your step by Gh?

R. - Injured in the economic, financial broker and I'm lost 4 years on TV losing the good time in Spain, since 2003 entering GH5 until 2007 that was when I to my normal life ... I have benefited perhaps other things, statements in public places like town halls, hospitals and public places ...

Why did you come back to enter the reunion?

R. - For money Ana, my girl, see, what Ana said about Pepe and others who gained more in the GH reunion, they know that this is a very large lie, me and Ainhoa were the only ones to enter the first day and leave the last, because everything else came and went before us, so what more Ainhoa \u200b\u200band I were charged, in addition to our cache because it was the highest of all, that it know, Anne is a jealous, envious and ill-spoken. In the two months in the program because we make money but everything does not end there ... When you go out there has a cache ...

Since you have appointed Ainhoa, surprising friendship which you have made since you entered in the reunion, you still friends today?

R. - Of course, if tomorrow I'll be at home with Pepe and Ainhoa, our friendship is sincere and out of GH, we are really brothers.

Niko Finally what message would you give to the new contestants of Gh?

R. -! That will shake it now! To behave as they really are, to be honest and that men behave like this once.

Thanks Niko and good luck in future projects.

Thank you Ana, a kiss and thanks for everything, I hope you succeed because you are professional and word, that is what counts, so thank you and the next, a hug and a kiss to say goodbye , ciao.

Well, you see there can be more clear ... Kisses to all.

NOTICE: Neither YOC MAGAZINE and Ana Santana made his statements Niko Di Matteo, contained in this interview. In exercising the constitutional right to freedom of expression we offer our resources for our partners to express themselves freely, being the perpetrators accountable for their content. Thanks to Niko and our readers

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ANA confidences

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cubfield Cheats On Facebook

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We will continue this space, in parallel, so that might be offered.

wholeheartedly invite you all to know the new portal. Her birth was only possible thanks to support from you during all these years.

Sandro Cohen

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fashion T V Midnight Hot

"Intimate Enemies" 9/11/2010. Beatriz Trapp, Jordi Anjauma, Alberto Gutiérrez ... big fight

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Where To Buy A Element Tech Deck

Azahara of the Crown Jewels ... I want to be with Noel pretendientre tronista

Azahara play hard and submits its application to face Silvia tronista Sicily by the same man

winner of the Crown Jewels, sits this afternoon with us to tell us how life is going after passing through the program and provides an overview of some of his fellow ...

Azahara Good afternoon, since you left the program The crown jewels, we know little about you, how are you going?

R. - Very well, I'm in my shop, also curro image in a trendy club in Madrid and also busy with bowling.

Do you has changed their lives after leaving the program? ... still

R. - A little, if everybody knows me and I glad I know.

Did you realize your dream, you went to the competition?

R. - I'm on it, the trip as I have almost planned for kings, is the birthday of my daughter and I operated in less than a month.

something Have you served your way through The Crown Jewels?

A. - Yes, to learn a lot of things to change and focus on important things.

do all your teachers to keep her baby and that which is not like you ever meet?

R. - More Nacho Montes affection for both inside and outside the home has shown me much and I would like to meet Marisela that although I chose in the end she falls in grace.

Me Carmen Lomana maintained contact with after leaving the program?

R. - Yes, we call almost every day and one day she met my family and my daughter, I adore.

How do you define it?

A. - Well, as a second mother, my heart.

Defíneme in a word to each of your co ...

R. - Lucia:
Hardle: great friend
Pepe: heart
Virginia: intelligence
Julian: false
Jorge: good person
charm Moses : personajillo
Ivan: good compi.
Tamara: false.
Paul or fu, or fa.

Well let's start with Julian ... What is it that leads you to qualify as well?

R. - For me disappointed when I left the house saying that if you critical m up the arena was going to go for me, when perhaps I would have answered them all.

Do not keep contact with him?

R. - No, I sent a message to congratulate me and nothing else.

Tamara is another fellow who qualify as false, what do you spend with her?

A. - That was a TV set and accused my partner and close friend Lara a thief when she knows k l forget a bikini and I name peliculera.

imagine " nor have contact with her, why do you think made the allegations on television?

R. - To be given prominence, you know that by being on TV 5 minutes ago whatever.

Paul and Moses "half and half, zero touch?

R. - Cerisimo, Moses in the final and looked at me, we fucked you and Paul went to win the final photo tuenti, she still had not delivered, we filter the picture.

Did you feel misunderstood by your peers?

A. - That is, I know friends who took me, who do not know about me I want either of them.

Have I seen some pictures of you with social networks and tronista of MYHYV suitors, coincidence or friendship?

R. - Friendship are good people and sometimes we get together to party and that, I get along very well with Noel, Samira, Mayte, Henry, Rafael Mora, Tamara, Amal ...

Do you know "El Feroz"?

R. - I've seen a couple of times, but personally I have no treatment.

"As see in GH?

R. - I love, the giving everything.

How's your heart?

A. - Well, now single again, into The Crown Jewels with a special friend and when I got the thing was consolidated, but has disappointed me greatly, more than I thought and I tried Remove role in everything, but thank God I realized sooner than two days and nothing was wrong and the third party with my people.

When you exit the program you felt well treated in the dishes?

A. - Yes, except for Kiko Hernández was going to butt up against me, but I do not care.

What do you mean you would stop against you?

R. - It got a lot to the theme of the mother of David, showing the face of it like your sister when she was the silver set was lying, saying I do not let see my daughter when she is the one who did not want to see, she does not want.

How does the grandmother could not go to your daughter?

Two plus years, having a big car like that it does not bother to come to her, neither she nor anyone in the family of the father. Go around.

Were you attacked by Kiko Hernández, though this time we are telling?

R. - Yes, I had to remove up to Facebook, because I wanted to tell a false story between Ephrem, ex tronista of MYHYV, and me. I knew him for two years and had pictures with him and Kiko wanted them to catch them out at will resist and say I had something to Ephrem, when that is a lie, only I had dinner with him and then at a disco but with more people and nothing happened between us, Yola Berrocal told me he wanted to do that and remove the Facebook so I could not take those pictures.

Well let's change the subject, more fun, a little bird told me you'd be delighted to be tronista of MYHYV, is it true?

R. - Yes, I would love if tronista would ask Noel.

Silvia Noel "?

R. -! Yes!!

My mother who can form !!... Well I leave this Azahara space for you ...

R. - Tell the people that follow me and support me, that I love and am very grateful to all the treatment that has given me and I hope not to disappoint anyone, a big kiss. ..

Thank Azahara a pleasure, hope you have luck in the projects you have ahead of us, from here I wish you have a good operation.

Thank you Ana

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ANA confidences

New Mighty Muggs For Fall 2010

MTV. EMA Spain 2010. Enter

Monday, November 8, 2010

Taylor Launter Sound Board

Ana Santana interview with David, a former boyfriend of Flor

David Yubero ... "Bloom has been a fool"

All who follow the soap flower - "El Feroz", we meet David, but for those who do not know, David is the former boyfriend and the Flower tell us later as Argentina's, how and why he broke up with think of it and what happened to his former home in the GH ...

Hello David, your face in the wake of your ex-girlfriend Flor by GH has become well known ... what are you doing?

R. - "Very good ... I admit that sometimes get bogged down a bit, but like the truth and especially because I have left some interesting proposals.

Flor Where you met and how did that relationship?

A. - I to the nightclub where she put glasses and I fell in love at first sight ... I took all night to get it and I felt heavy ... (Laughs), poor thing what I stand. I waited to come out and escort you to your house ... we wind on that day.

So far no-cost ... When you say that you rolled up to the point, just kissing, rubbing or total? ... still

R. - Man that's a more personal ... but I mean it cost me at least I would listen because he had two hundred to choose from ... and honestly it looked impossible ... but I Curren and when I pull my labia is hard to resist lol.

How hard that relationship and why it broke?

R. "But almost three years ... living and personal problems broke our relationship ...

How is Flor ...

R. - Flor ... need all the time in the world to have good and bad ... but note: a very nice person, funny, honest, faithful, funny ... wrong: freak cleaning and highly responsible, otherwise I keep it to myself.

How have you seen his behavior in the house of GH?

R. - As for me has been honest (herself) and wanting be so good has been a fool, he shared his food (it has been super thin), is killed in the tests (of few). I assure you has not made any paper in July and has amazed with his expulsion ... came to my den on Friday and talk at length with her.

What you told of how he felt after the expulsion?

R. - Sunk and shocked because it was unfair. The images are often confusing and especially one she knows she drove because she was ... well UNJUSTLY.

Do not you think she is exposed too much as July, to tell you all that aloud?

R. - I have spoken with both ... they did because there is a moment that you forget the cameras and you get bored while you talk about the first thing that comes out ... when the flower looks because there are 300 camera and pointing it and see it as something normal, and you realize you look there ...

Still in love with Flor?

- Well ... hehe ... I feel affection and love does not leave the overnight ... these are feelings I have inside and I can not express ... but I tell you that today I do not want to do it harm, never play with her feelings and So I think it's best to be apart (never say this will not drink water) ...

How long to from the end of your relationship is when she went into GH?

R. - For five months ... more or less ... and it was hard to quit. We returned to have contact 1 month before ...

Are not you surprised to get into bed with July?

A. - Well, well ... surprise me in the sense of the feeling of seeing another hurt me ... but I knew I could do that because Florida is not short of "carpe diem."

Flower Are women who like threesomes and extreme experiences in sex?

R. - This is personal to her and me hehe ... is more a question I'd answer it. For my part I tell you I've tried and something that does not displease me ha ha ...

Well answer me by you, you've tried it with flowers?

R. - You never know ... but understand that is personal ... I want preguntándomelo rolling in several ways ... you're good lol.

Well I leave this space for you ...

R. - I appreciate that you have given me this opportunity to express myself ... I can highlight what is unjust expulsion of GH and GH 12 without them has lost the curiosity and play. It's a shame you have not met the Flor who have not taken the images, just released their kinky part ... And nothing for what you need here I am.

Many thanks and kisses!

David works in a dive called Adestra, is in the Avd Maratalaz n º 153, then ... There waiting for you all.

Thank you all for reading and thanks to Lucia told me that I read every night before bedtime ... A kiss.

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ANA confidences

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Vegas Weddings Sayings

MTV. EMA Spain 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cake Gamecs36 Vaio Laptops

Alberto Gutierrez speaks .... Clearing the plot against

Ana Santana interview Alberto Gutierrez, one of the characters in dismantling the plot against Belén Esteban, now faced his former broadcast partner Jordi Anjauma

This time Ana Santana brings the testimony of Alberto Gutiérrez author of the recordings cleared the plot against Belén Esteban. A far-reaching event that changed the world of television ... much, much more than you think. Since then, the media work "research" involving Alberto Gutierrez, Jordi Anjauma and YOC MAGAZINE, has put in place all those involved in the plot. The relationship between broadcasters, producers and journalists and is not and will never be beaten. The rules of the game have changed

A play we play a voluntary role in the shade so that all that hard work was a real "bomb" by exposing those who would supplant the authors, deceiving the hearing, claiming responsibility for a work that is not rightfully theirs. Justice was finally done and Albert and John were recognized as the perpetrators of what was and remains one of the great journalism of the year ... the role of YOC MAGAZINE'm confused and diffuse, and someday we too will play talk.

After some time to share the public recognition and a few television sets, the former television partners are at loggerheads. The war between Anjauma Jordi Alberto Gutierrez and just declare and controversy and confrontation are served.

Alberto Good morning, how are you going?

R. - Good morning Well I can not complain the truth.

After you discover the theme of Belén Esteban your television appearances have been increasingly frequent, is that what you were looking for? ... still

R. - I honestly did not expect to be contributor but I really like and I know this world is really like.

And how is this scene? Many people say that is a world of deceit, lies, betrayal ... Do you like what you see?

R. - A little bit of everything you learn a lot of truth but the truth I have brought many surprises people at first we went wrong and you get to know and see who are not like you imagine why we should not try anyone for a picture and say what you need to know.

You mean for example Beatriz Trapp?

R. "For example, I am very clear and tell you the names Elizabeth Rabago, Cristina Fernandez and Miriam Sanchez comes first and wrong to veto in the second interview but I've been trying and are good people and truth as great companions.

Trapote have not named, are the wrong things between you?

R. - With Trapote get along as a person and I have very fond companion so we are not all against it I support and I think you preys much with it.

Belenista Are you still?

R. - this is Bethlehem and Trapp is nonsense I defend the truth either do everything it has its faults like all I to both the appreciation I have treated more than Bethlehem Trapote for work and a good person to me.

Many of your friends are telling the world that you were the brains of all, if so, why did you leave your former friend Jordi Anjauma said that it was he who had planned it all?

R. - Of course, the I record it was me, he told me it was a move to pump and told me if I wanted to work on a radio show with people from big brother who turns out it was a lie and that the blog was TV 5 and is also a lie so all get the fuck made me and wants me to bring warm.

But then why did you leave in the first interventions that Jordan will take all the medals?

A. - It was the first program and I was blown away and then the problems started and began the problems that got in tune and instead of having the recordings are devoted to attacking the tone and say had not recorded than to the crime because what the hell was I doing there?

"It is said there that they asked for these recordings was Toño Sanchez, is that true and is hiding from something?

R. - not hiding anything that I got in touch with tone and told me that if they could be spending and told that if I talk to Toño was me.

Toño So he was not asked to do those recordings?

R. - No Tone did not ask if people think that.

Do you consider your reward for him Belén Esteban a favor, it is your seat in Intimate Enemies?

R. - My reward would have liked that Bethlehem would have sat me on Save me.

set it not wanted to share with you?

R. - I was on holiday, enter the phone but I would have liked to be with her.

But after that you could have shared the set with her, what do you think is the reason why this meeting has not taken place?

R. - For I am the enemy and I can not go to other programs, but now after what happened to Veronica and her mother, save me going off valve.

Speaking of Veronica, what do you think of this change in attitude?

A. - Well, this change is that lawyers have asked them to, and falls under the false report, but the mother is very strong statements about me.

Which is what has hurt you most of what has been said about you?

A. - That I have to give a shot in the head, I am the son of Satan and more sinister that happened on TV and tells me the mother when her daughter to put green swollen Belén Esteban for dishes and put a false report, what happens is that as it has been now caught against me, saying things I have said very strong daughter of Bethlehem that is a lie and will have to prove in court.

Do you know that this veto as Jordi Anjauma evil tongues say?

R. - I do this I have no idea, but we no it was Bin Laden.

remember you were the top three that you had uncovered the plot against Belén Esteban, Alberto Gutierrez, Jordi Anjauma and Yoc Magazine ... As only two of the three partners have come on TV?

R. - Why YOC MAGAZINE is a website where John works.

But behind the web I imagine someone will not?

R. - I have no idea, to me said it was a blog Jordi T5 but never talk to anyone about Yoc Magazine.

Is not there something to hide?

A. - Well, I tell you the truth of what is sincere.

conto Is the truth in "Intimate Enemies" or even an AS you keep yourselves in the manga?

A. - I told the whole truth, I have not saved anything, I speak for myself.

Do you regret having worked with George and Yoc Magazine?

R. - With Jordan if, Yoc Magazine is that I have not had anything with them, nor have I felt that I have been fooled.

Jordi How do you define Anjauma?

R. - George is a bad person, an opportunist and a liar.

Do you think you deserve more than the chair of "intimate enemies" that John? Why?

R. - Ask saying Miriam Sanchez, Tamara Hat, Kiko Hernández and Isabel Rábago tell you what they think about George.

But you also attack your teammates who are now, what makes you different from Jordan?

A. - I do not consider myself any better or worse, I'm no journalist, nor am I going about it but Jordi is a journalist when it is, has some courses that no value as professional journalists have told me if I have given my chair that it ask the producer.

I leave this room for you ...

- Well I say to John that you can not fuck with people the way he does now say that a person he has proposed T5 sex, we ... I want to thank my fellow Intimate Enemies for this opportunity, Antonio Roof is a wonderful person, and can be happy because Alba takes a wild beast, who is very fond of her, Miriam Sanchez, Elizabeth Rabago and Cristina Fernandez, who I spent with them I apologize, are very good people, which is not bad Trapote partner, has a good heart, Belén Esteban appreciate it a lot and there I have and Tamara Hat which is a person's past, that does not change, which is worth much, you all to read the interview and thanks for everything you Ana.

Thanks Alberto.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Cle Gen Dawn Of War Soulstorm

Flor y Belén Esteban Julio "The Fierce" are expelled from GH 12

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Is The Best Time To Take A Steam Bath

Every Man Who Wants Department: Oral language

oral language tends to be flowery, expressive and spontaneous. We understand so thoughtless, it is not necessary to think to catch the meaning of what we are talking. This is true in our conversations with friends, family and colleagues. Often so when it comes to strangers we meet on the street, a store or restaurant. But nothing is more difficult to rate the oral language precisely because it follows the logic of language syntax as well written .

As example of this problem, I reproduce the newspaper box ( Reforma, October 14, 2010, "City", p. 1), which takes the words of Cristian Vargas, a political folk Institutional Revolutionary Party, who has repeatedly shown its aggressive side, violent. Retain the original quote (and all errors): "I do not lie to my mother in my district, people know who I am and supports me and let's see what happens in 2012, we will fight the internal candidate for Delegation and why not?, reach Gustavo A. Madero. "

'm sure that this statement, live full color, will have heard consistently, but writing is far from easily understood as transcribed in the newspaper Reforma , world famous for their lack of punctuation, spelling , syntax, grammar, etc.. And for better or worse that could fall over the deputy in question, Mr. Vargas, he was to blame for how his words appeared in the newspaper. In the case of speech, is within the parameters of the understandable, which makes it incomprehensible is the lack of expertise of the journalist who was in charge of drafting of the quotation.

First, the word my but not possessive pronoun. Should take i check in the : me. Let's spend the rudeness, "I do not lie to my mother," and see what happens after the word District [sic , because he had written in tiny d] no connection whatsoever between the grammatical sentence above and below. In other words, this is a enjambment . Point and should be followed [. ] before "people" and the letter l should be capitalized, of course. We have been three errors.

The word as in the next sentence is an indirect questioning should be written with accent on the first or : "People know how I [...]. " The following sentence is serialized to the previous and that's okay to use the and : "People know how I am and support me [...]." But the next sentence not come with the previous serial. Therefore, there should be a comma before "and we'll see what happens [...]" "[...] people know who I am and supports me and let's see what happens in the [sic ] 2012 [...]. " Discourages the use of the item before the year, just as superfluous. There are people who argue in favor of using it, but it is as necessary as a bucket of dirty water during a hurricane in Tabasco. When we use the same article before the millennium? Who ever wrote: "In the 1999 there were almost no blogs? But: if you think that readers will not understand "1999" as year, you can write "In the year 1999 there were almost no blogs." But it seems a bit excessive. So, he had written "[...] we will see what happens in 2012."

On the other hand, if the transcript is true, at least in terms of words Vargas said, was the deputy who used Article. No way! That could be, or the writer, we want to improve the reporting flat, may have added the article unnecessary. May never know. Do not count this as a bug, then. This leaves us, so far, two errors: five.

continues date with another sentence that has no grammatical relation to the above: a more enjambment. Had to write about and followed [. ] after 2012 and the word we must appear in capital letters. The phrase (or platitude ) Why not? is parenthetical, but only a comma after: missing comma before, after and : "[...] to the Delegation and why not?, reach Gustavo A. Madero. " Two mistakes. Thus, a total of seven errors in 35 words, two lines and a half in any word processor, like Word, an average of 2.8 errors per line in a newspaper that is read all over Mexico and even, thanks to the Internet, in many other countries.

Here is the same date, correctly written. As I believe that the Member concerned would not complain about the absence of 2012 article before , remove it to gain some clarity:

"I do not lied to my mother in my district. People know who I am and supports me, and let's see what happens in 2012. We will fight the internal candidate for the Delegation and why not?, Reach Gustavo A. Madero. "

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Golden Spray Tan Birmingham

Interview: Ana Toro is going to very fat liar telling all the secrets of "GH" more committed

Ships with "GH" without a hair on the language stating that people have plugged in this issue, calling them and accusing them of cronyism mafia

knew it was in the house of GH10, sincere as ever, says what comes out of the soul does not care what people think about it and so today will give us his opinion on what you think of the input famosillos in the new edition of Gh and told us how things have gone and what he thinks of one of his former teammates ...

Ana Good afternoon, how are you long ago that we know nothing of you ... I know you've been traveling around the world as you been? ... still

R. - I just arrived from London to promote my designs of medieval castles and crusades and they loved them, can not stop investing is not taken up by the crisis but I have always traveled outside Europe, so once you know all the countries of Europe, when you say I'm Copenhagen (I go every month) people say .... good trip and will metepatas Ana Toro and jump, but if four-hour flight is not a trip! and are offended and attacked, because they think I presume, but it's my life and I've always done that so it's nothing special or cool cool ... Well yes, but the fact of being always prepared to receive a call or Mail and run away to Turkey, Venice, Rome, Russia, Sweden ... Just for a day trip is normal for me. But it is not so good because changing schedules, food and terrible dreams is health and if you arrive in Copenhagen at 06:00 pm have dinner and can not find anywhere to eat until the next day or in Vietnam eat dogs, cats and worms and do not eat, not eat, you eat bone and Texas all itchy and fattening in England eat super bad, to tell you I'm vaccinated nine things type yellow fever, typhus, things that you catch in the jungle and if you always gives you something strange, fevers, and never know it but I'm very strong need to psychologically adjust to all (unless they send me silent). I come from Madrid to interview, will work to , will be super fun.

Yes, if it shows; D. .. We have not seen the show that made the other day about the big brothers ... Were you one of those wonderful trips or not you invited?

R. - Apart from not being, you gave you not that strange that not a video of me, as if it were banned? or fighting, or Isabella dressed or dancing or anything! It is rare not! I know why it was, because I asked Mercedes to go to the gala and lied to me with excuses, because I think it sends is just stupid excuses and lies, she does not think so, but as a mob you're caught speaking ill or interviews regular (telling the truth) on GH as do not be a ball you start to attack programs and fuck you life with forgiveness ... An example Indhira super green and attacked put to death, seen now as having hearing, and does not attack or anything in AR and in all the programs you do not miss, it's all a dirty DICTATORSHIP TV and I thought that with both I've done for both GH and people laughed with me, is neither moral, nor fair to ZERO videos of mine in this gala.

former contestant Niki Gh, also claimed that throughout the show made no mention of Gustavo, unfortunately died in a traffic accident, you think of that?

R. - is true.

With which contestants will come back to GH?

R. - Who is less competitive and will not betray the prize, people who go to be themselves, without masks and have fun, everything in life is not winning.

Who has disappointed you most?

R. - Rachel is so fake and disguised as a friend, usually by the big lie that is on TV, but sorry to say but I lie, not tell me I'm banned or something weird, because I Gh CENSOR say that does great damage to the people, it is true, and money corrupts everything, I feel like when you say the Kings are parents. Kiko Hernández, just to call when you get some information but when I send a message of friendship NEVER answer.

You maintained a love-hate relationship with Herman, how's the matter with you today?

R. - Love never has been, because I truly lonely, lonely, lonely, I was attracted to your positive energy, but mine is real, but yours is not, never have I hated, absolutely , is a poor man is not worthy of anyone with half a brain will fall in love of it, never respected me, I could not fall in love with someone unable to truly apologize and unprincipled, he just wanted to have fun with me and I'm not someone who sleeps with people because if happiness and peace is not looking well, I want someone who does not lie to me incessantly. It is believed man enough for me to set in? (Laughs) but if someone like me, even if it is ugly to say, I'm attracted to intellectual, honest and humble revelers not silicone and bipolar behavior problems, I with many curiosities to learn, to be more and better in everything we study and I do with my NGO (Chernobyl, Ecuador, etc.). could never be attracted (Love) someone selfish, I'm much more demanding with forgiveness and hope more heart, more philosophy and many more interesting thoughts, learn from the person I am and to learn just to wait, alone everywhere. Nico same or worse put me
Because this specimen is believed to Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal is not even.

Is not no going back to Germain?

R. - Germain and I would still very good friends if he had not sent a coward to his lawyer and his mother to frighten me with threats and manipulation to keep my mouth shut when I do not knew nothing of what happened, just tell the truth, he disappeared and came with blood on his arms any more and were other people who called to tell things TV, as neighbors, police and others. At that time his lawyer and his mother called me to scare, not to tell anyone

I can see on your Facebook that you're not totally disagree with the entry of Yago's house Guadalix ...

R. - I'm pretty negative because the scam is impressive GH and censorship is very ugly ... It's clear that it has entered and it is outrageous that plugged between a known, it is equally outrageous that Jorge Berrocal , María José Galera and won Pepe six times more than the others in the reunion.

When you say to Jorge, Maria José and Pepe claimed six times more than any other contestant on the reunion you mean within the program or once out of it?

R. - Inside the reunion, to freshen Telecinco interested Gh interest and had to be people each year, but nobody wanted to go the first year that they came late and because they are the best by be the first to charge more and that I do not look bad, but Gh know who will win from the start and we only take the fight to fill it seems to me immoral. Outside copper does not matter what each but in there falls, a horrible dream, a total hunger and lack of affection, it is hard to get out and see what farm takes 50% of very little for what they earn and then if they want to put short videos, in which it is interpreted that 've done things you've done and you can not defend yourself and understand that they will earn € 6000 per week and the other € 1000 because the program was concerned that there were people each year and not critical but we like the hardship.

you recommend to people entering Gh?

R. - You think that you would recommend? If you want go hungry and sleep to such an extent that they touch the health and injury to the evidence ... If they want to hire them then nobody at all, even taking college career and 19 years of experience ... If you want to be afraid to leave to the streets for months, if they misjudge them without knowing, they want their families no longer talk because manipulated videos are created, if they want to win just 400 € more per month than any other work and be exposed to criticism cruel people They're not journalists, fed to attack and humiliate you in dishes that force you to go without pay ...? Well, I would recommend ...

Ana Well I leave this room for you to say what you want to whoever you want ...

R. - I say forgive me who do not believe the truth but I have always defended the weak and fought to prevent injustice and sorry to be negative but can not speak well of a program that destroys so many people, in so many ways because I'd be lying and letting people keep excited false hopes,
Being popular is not good, is for people with low self-esteem but neither is long term, only makes you a successful suit that falls apart
the rain and lack of sensibility of the people we hurt almost more than the project, because we believe that much money without suffering anything (which is totally false) brings us problems, even when looking for work or request a custom
I have tried three times to collect some things because they think I have a lot of money
And not only me, I am more positive and cheerful person the world, but I'm realistic,
family lose, you lose freedom, lose your job and many friends that stick to you to get something or rather you cast them in your life for it and I swear I'll never ball anyone to go out anywhere, because what I've earned myself struggling, studying many years and now I'm just "that of the TV," I hope everything back to normal but I doubt it is not fair that you manipuladisimos videos judged without let you defend yourself, however, I learned things that are learned only through years, and to assess the genuine friendship and that the ego or self-esteem is the most weak of the world, do not let anyone tell you who you are never alone in your behavior but for what you have been all your life. Heartfelt thanks for letting me express myself freely and tell the truth.

Thank you Ana, I wish you well.

NOTICE: Neither YOC MAGAZINE and Ana Santana made his Toro Ana statements contained in this interview. In exercising the constitutional right to freedom of expression we provide our resources for our partners to express themselves freely, being one of the authors responsible for their content. Thanks to Ana Toro and our readers