Sunday, January 2, 2011

Recurring Itchy Bumps

In this new year's wishes are crowded to the doors, so many that stuff themselves. Do not know whether to leave or enter. Thousands of Cubans scattered throughout the world the desire for a free Cuba is the unanimous. But we must not forget the thousands of others whose minds are still being held ideals selfish political or social levels.

A narrower scale is plotted individual goals for the year just begun. Some say Climb professional development goals, other goals of economic, family or spiritual.

After leaving the shores of my island, I feel as among other changes, my nose old bachelor has increased and I predict a future without intending overwhelming challenge for many who are still waiting for his mate. On the subject familiar from statistics available at any geographical point is to note not only that the divorce rate growing up, but the number of singles who are denied themselves the possibility of marriage while other unmarried daughters in their desire to realize the dream blue cast to an explosive new year wishes of perfect men, more and more, without surpassing possibility of a tie the book descriptions.

whom I could not be accused of error responsible for the final, if naive women or men fantasies drunk up to the best of Hollywood, but even they need a vacation. The fact is that if the commitment to meet unrealistic expectations out his sin ... I exonerate guilt but the curse of fools.

Happy New Year! ... and we more realistic.


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