Friday, January 28, 2011

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Catherine " GH12 "caught. Scoop YOC, 19/10/2010

Catherine, the new Venezuelan contestant "GH12" ... engineer online bunny day and night television erotic

This edition of "Big Brother" will bring surprises galore, and never better, as it is ... Cathaisa Mogollon Mogollon which will open the box of surprises. Not the only surprise us in this "GH12" cargadito new things, but if the first. From the official website of "GH" in telecinco we have presented it as a serious executive whose business is the engineering of security systems. That must be the day, if it is, as the beautiful Catherine hides a dark side and much more attractive and sensual. At night it transforms us into a warm bunny erotic television online ... well, sospreas galore to come. Not to be missed ... view images

Friday, January 21, 2011

What To Say In A Wedding Card For Your Sister


I saw water formed
That soul that my soul reads my steel

sculpts and pours a drop
bare my skin craters on the moon

in my throat I saw the wind form I take his secret

without voice or snow legs

sigh blizzard that guards moved in
That moon in my throat

I saw my soul
form the soul that my soul
smell my soul baby soul
That moon in my throat.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Funny Save The Date Themes

Department of Spelling: The tilde interrogative and exclamatory

IN CASTILIAN the tilde, or accent - has two functions: the prosodic and diacritical . This is much easier than it looks. When we speak of an "accent", we mean the tilde ['] that we put in a word to show the tonic syllable , which carries the force or prosodic accent. Thus, we distinguish easily between road and walked , for example. In the first word, the voice suddenly falls on the second syllable: ca- MI -no. By the rules of accentuation, is not necessary to use any tilde to indicate that the second syllable carries the prosodic accent. In walked on the other hand, the prosodic accent falls on the last syllable: ca-me-not . As this is a word ending in acute vocal, the rule requires us to use an accent here, or tilde - to indicate that syllable is stronger. (The tilde, remember, is always placed above a vowel in English, unlike what happens in some other languages). [. . .]

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Angular Cheilitis Help

Department of Spelling: The "x" before "c" Department

homophony, a phenomenon that occurs when two words sound the same way, although written differently ( had and tube, for example) - is common in Castilian, as we saw recently in this blog . It is also common among some homophonic letters. And this coincidence can wreak havoc on phonetic spelling. Such is the case with the letter x - [k + s] in phonetic symbols, and combinations of letters cc [k + s] and xc [k + s] . We can see this clearly in the photo that is shown on the left. [. . .]

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Can You Drink Alcohol With Fluconazole

Score: Commas Department

There are several kinds of clauses , also called parenthetical phrases , explanatory or incidental . All have in common that they provide additional information but not essential, prayer or proposition. This information is essential not could be eliminated without thereby altering the direction of the rest. A good example of a clause are the words "but not essential" that appeared in blue in the third sentence of this paragraph. And as we know, any information parenthetical explanatory or incidental to be separated from the rest of the sentence with a comma or two, depending on location in prayer. In this case we use two because the item is in the middle. [. . .]

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Wooden Desert Eagle Toy

apposition Score: If you start with a conditional subordinate clause, do not forget Department

This Holiday few people looking for ways improve your writing. Rather, it begins to meditate on how to survive the January costs or their purposes New Year. Offer, then, to all readers of this blog a modest proposal in the form of purpose, which is about how to punctuate our sentences. [. . .]

To continue reading, visit the website of Sandro Cohen:

How To Make Red Wagon Cake

corporations or churches. Voices

Christians today in modern churches have a curious plan training. Many have more chance of learning index in less time than an ordinary individual how to manage their economy plan to be successful entrepreneurs. Almost, almost as a financial advisor of any bank could act as the official pastor of many of them. I dare say it would be wise to go to the bank to receive the talk of any of its employees which provide us the service for free instead of sitting in a church regularly, the difference would be rather low and certainly more effective. For many of them spend much of their time encouraging members hypnotized under the power of his ambiguous presentation to be more successful in their business and deliver more of their earnings as offerings for the "ministry" to do in the meantime could hear more of the same in the bank for which there are more than a valued customer, thus avoiding annoying subtle persuasion of offering the services that genuinely offer these for free.

is time to consider which church approached cautiously in order to place our tithes and offerings in a church that legitimately serve God and fear of the instruction in the true gospel to his audience without trying to sympathize with the majority to get rich of all. Let's do this in pursuit of fleeing disguised corporations, which feed the masses of believers naive obsessive, perverse and dangerous desire for worldly success when the ultimate goal of every believer is in heaven, where moth nor rust corrupt, nor thieves stalk or steal as written. (Matthew 6:20) let us treasures in heaven. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Infinite Health Xbox 360

I have mud in your body

accumulated in my throat and a singing star from the other side

in the forest of wild beasts
myself as fire
not stop biting your
eyes to start the last breath of your tracks

hidden kiss
where my sleep
beast throws stones accommodates chains

the river inlets
With your voice embraces smoke
God blessed sun!
... from the other side

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ontario Vanity Plateavailability


Man is an animal

for stones in the face all

Man is an echo

plain as a hole Insatiable,

top as Man is buried

to write their story and dies screaming

secrets to clear their chapters.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Blunt Wraps Vs Swishers

I pee

I pee on wounds
as if the urine was
time defecating in the mountain wilderness
curse stuck in my spine

piss me back in those eyes that told me secrets in the Bells
whispering your name
me pee on the eleven o'clock
and the eleven p.m.

I pee on every inch where there
in fleeting time you flinch
I peed on your luck
in your bed and your children

I pee in the rain bridge
me pee pee on me so scared I urinated
so much love.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

When Is It A Good Time To Get The Nipples Pierced

Chuchos Figari (Pedro Salinas on "defenders" Sodalitium)

( # disqus_thread)

Perú21 .- Taken from Column The Eye of Mordor, Pedro Salinas .-

Chilla hysterical. Exalted cries. Screaming in chorus. And a barrage of insults. Something like this was the outcome of the tall column that stamped here last week on this page, which was dedicated to my former padawan of manners Mussolini and throat treble, Luis Fernando Figari, which recalled his fascist inclinations , incidentally, celebrated his resignation as superior general of Sodalitium. Or if you prefer, Sodality.

"Coward." "Bad." "Bilious." "Shut up." "Felon." "Evil." "Traitor." And not to make it long, I was told to "gnarled" which, according to which the epithet stuck me is something like "torturer of Christians." And another, named Alberto Plenge, sounding melodramatic and disheartening, in plan Veronica Castro, scolded me: "What a pathetic spectacle has given (...) has been as unfair." That's it.

And, well. What can I say. The style punitive, intolerant, and reproach, made me recall my last conversation with Louis himself Fernando, I decided to leave his tribe. "You are betraying God's Plan. And your brothers Sodalitium. You're going to condemn the eternal fire. And listen to me: whatever you do, you will be unhappy. Do not expect my blessing. " In reality, the "conversation" was too much for me, because, come on, was a monologue of forty-odd minutes, he could not stand interruptions and dealing with that one idea. I had no free will, and my only option in life was to be Sodalit. And so on.

And contrary to what might think cyber Horsemen of the Apocalypse and their languages \u200b\u200bscaled (who, strangely enough, had the peculiar branching off all ties with the Sodality before throwing the stone), get out of there, despercudirme of bizarre thought and guiding his personality cults adefesieros Figari, has been one of the best decisions I life. So they will let me, but adhere to what was written by Voltaire (I disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death to prevent anyone tell you), I suggest to the dogs Figaro, and all Credo barking linking wild fanaticism, which, if possible, accompany their adjectives in some sort of rebuttal. A even. In other words, strive to think a little. Just a little. Because it is easy to insult, as well as clinging to a dogma. So find that question things, to ask "why?", Free from superstitions and to handle those truths that are imposed by gurus chubby, hiding behind beards prophetic, and not practice what they preach. "

Otherwise, I infer that Hernán, one of the few readers who tried to pour water on the pyre inquisitorial "which is" a shame that young people already have answered all the questions of life, without having lived, without be doubted. Believed to be blessed, but are unfortunate zombies who know very little doctrine and of Christ. "

top, I tell them, some have threatened not read me anymore, "because against religion is not written." Well, the truth, if you ask me, I also am interested in that kind of readers, I say.

is true that, at one time, for less than I would have incinerated the Inquisition and Torquemada Dominican monks, also known as "dogs of God." As, indeed, the poor made him a cold sweat Goya to draw a Galatians. But the inquisitorial bonfires, my dear demonizing, and went out, and all their paraphernalia sambenitos and conical hats and green crosses are no longer used or Halloween parties.

clarify the matter, let me say that I have nothing against those who need to believe, or pretend to believe, that there was no comment on Sunday. Of course. And see if we do not confuse things. Was just a way of saying that, if ever, in past times, many years ago, I was an uncompromising facho packaging, those with intellectual poverty as dumb bell was simply because I had an exemplary teacher. Nothing more. Nothing less. Happy 2011.

--------------------------------------------- -----

not stop reading the post here Herbert Mujica .

Fire Prevention Posters 2010

Pedro Salinas about the founder of Sodalitium

( Taken from Perú21

Column .- Eye of Mordor, Pedro Salinas .-

has resigned the office of superior general, said, "for health reasons." Well, the truth, I hope not suffering from any terminal disease, or degenerative, because you do not wish harm to anyone. But I should disclose that to Luis Fernando Figari, founder of Sodalitium Christianae Vitae (now Sodality), do not I have no sympathy, as I have it not to any tyrant.

I met him in 1980 to complete a withdrawal, in a small college chapel Champagnat in Miraflores, when I was still in school. It was as fat as Obelix, wearing glasses, wearing a mustache soulless, like a walrus, wearing blue pants and a blue shirt with buttons on the neck, and tried to hide his baldness by combing a few black hairs on the contrary, Montesinos style. I speak from memory, of course, because thank God I have not seen since long ago.

then I was introduced as the head, as il capo di tutti i capi. As the number one thing. As the leader of a movement, still emerging, which sought to shake the entire planet to its foundations. It is one of the brightest people in this country, they said, could also know the essence of people with just a direct look into the eyes, it was like a power. Something like a gift mutant. Well. What they said their courtiers. And I do believe, naive teenager, trying to escape the pain of separation from my parents with discipline problems at school, in need of immutable and transcendent truth in that belief, and human solidarity group that provides security and trust me as the slogan of an AFP, which, incidentally, I explain the world, that's another, then guess. I ended up hooked on the Sodalitium and I became a Taliban long before they knew that there was a buzzword. Go figure. I became

a radical out-and-out, come on. In a fundamentalist. Estranged from my family, my friends and my love-life ties that helped me to cut with no little enthusiasm, I joined the militia Figari, which is cohesive from a vertical and totalitarian structure, where his word, that was nothing less than the Superior (with a capital), was a dogma of faith. Because of Luis Fernando, gentlemen, was the very voice of God, only a little reedy. He, if it was not clear, was a sort of semi-divinity, something coming into meat, of course, which was due obedience. And his instructions and precepts, should be implemented without hesitation. As the story. Just like that.

It got to the point of requiring all the while the total membership of the movement, and give Iscariot and cowardly treatment of those questioned, and in that plan. Figari was a despot, that is.

In the Upper Room of the autocrat, I explain how one would leave his mind, and about life. Or not nearly. Because the Sodalit-so called me during a time-is trained to the smallest detail. Through readings fascists. Barracks schemes. Or sectarian rites, which were punctuated by demonstrations and martial songs, if not Carlist, or requetés. Or to Nazis, to hear. And do not exaggerate. The Face in the sun, Joseph Antonio Primo de Rivera, I learned there, eg, in the Sodality. For display only one button. Facho a button, say. And I

because space is short and I have to pick in this column. Whatever. Only I have confidence that the output Figari benefit of my former brothers in the Catholic faith will carry his intolerance and his lies, and his sickly suspicion against individual freedoms. I confess, as he once wrote Mario Vargas Llosa, the fundamentalist organizations such as the Sodality, the Legionaries of Christ and Opus Dei, it gives me chills. Chills stripping.

By the way, Merry Christmas, Luis Fernando. May the retirement will serve to critically examine your life and to educate you in meekness, that counsel of good decisions, which soothes the pride and hardness of heart.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Overthedoor Ironingboardcovers

Gabriel Rojas ... Alberto Gutierrez, who was shooting me yew

The current partner of Maria Lapiedra responds to allegations of threat of Alberto Gutierrez, a contributor to "Intimate Enemies"

few weeks ago he sat in the confessional Alberto Gutierrez to tell us that he had received threats from María Lapiedra, he said Mary was accused of wanting to take the bride and groom is precisely that which now comes to tell their truth about what happened that night in the bolus of Cadiz. ..

Gaby Good afternoon, tell us a bit who you are and you come to tell us ...

R. - Ana Hi, my name is Gabriel Rojas, work as a gogo and streapper, I'm the guy that Alberto Gutierrez as you pull the yew, which as you progress is entirely false.

Where do you meet and what relation Alberto Gutierrez joins you? ... still

R. - Alberto Gutierrez met in a pub environment in Cadiz for some time and recently I met him in Torremolinos, approached me and asked me if Maria Lapiedra and was told no, he told me mole.

Were you with Alberto Gutiérrez María Lapiedra when I ask?

R. - If Ann was with her but I said no because I knew I would tell everyone.

Would you threw things at Alberto Gutierrez that night?

A. - It was he who shot to me and rejecting me, I said that I was not gay, that was wrong with me and put me surprised face, he said he did not believe and river.

Why do you not believe you were not gay?

R. - I do not know, maybe because of my work I move in that environment, he thought I did not want to say in the club and asked me to go to his hotel to take us the last cup there alone and told him that I was gay, but I want to make clear that I am not gay, they just ask Maria Lapiedra to see what he says.

If you are not gay, why Alberto says that Mary called him by threatening to tell their troubles to some famous, if he'll throw the stuff?

R. - If it is true that Mary call it, but let me calm and not send me messages and it's true but he has been with famous people, but I'm not going to name names at this time.

Alberto What I said in those messages for Maria Lapiedra threatened him?

R. - As see Ana on one of them put me quote this, "I dream of you since I met you make me bad and if you get caught you looking to put a Mr. Cuenca are all handsome," the desire this guy catch me ...

What is the relationship now Maria Lapiedra?

A. - We are aware, nothing serious but with future prospects, she had just ended a relationship with an employee of TV and roll over with Alberto Gutiérrez get angry a bit, but things are going good forward to see where it leads.

I imagine Mary and more knowing that your relationship is a relationship free no strings attached ... Am I wrong?

R. - If it is free, but not too, if you know what I mean .. Ana Mary Knowing I am not afraid of anything, nothing would surprise me, but she has said it wants to settle down with me and since I take it seriously I would not want it rolling off the horns and putting all guy who put it forward, she said she was with Arthur GH, but it was nothing, as I said before he goes to see this.

reliably reported to be Mary would love to do new things in the sexual arena, what is the most surprising thing you asked?

R. - If I give you details of this Ana, sure Mary got mad at me so for now to me, only when I say that in our bed has been over two and three, but you I say Ana There are few things that could surprise me, apart from gogo do erotic shows, which incidentally will soon one together.

Chari Do you know of GH12?

R. - If clear and fairly well, I roll with it one night, here in Cadiz is well known in the world of night, the truth is that the boy Ruben did not deserve a girl like her .

Do you liaste with her being with Ruben?

R. - No, before him.

Gaby Well, many thanks I leave this room for you ...

R. - Thank you Ana for the interview and greetings to all ...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Recurring Itchy Bumps

In this new year's wishes are crowded to the doors, so many that stuff themselves. Do not know whether to leave or enter. Thousands of Cubans scattered throughout the world the desire for a free Cuba is the unanimous. But we must not forget the thousands of others whose minds are still being held ideals selfish political or social levels.

A narrower scale is plotted individual goals for the year just begun. Some say Climb professional development goals, other goals of economic, family or spiritual.

After leaving the shores of my island, I feel as among other changes, my nose old bachelor has increased and I predict a future without intending overwhelming challenge for many who are still waiting for his mate. On the subject familiar from statistics available at any geographical point is to note not only that the divorce rate growing up, but the number of singles who are denied themselves the possibility of marriage while other unmarried daughters in their desire to realize the dream blue cast to an explosive new year wishes of perfect men, more and more, without surpassing possibility of a tie the book descriptions.

whom I could not be accused of error responsible for the final, if naive women or men fantasies drunk up to the best of Hollywood, but even they need a vacation. The fact is that if the commitment to meet unrealistic expectations out his sin ... I exonerate guilt but the curse of fools.

Happy New Year! ... and we more realistic.