Friday, December 24, 2010

Nadine Jensen Pregnant Bath

The perfect man to discover

When Columbus landed on every piece of land recently discovered in some hot times he met with some Indians who populated the islands. The Indians greeted the new visitors as gods, no one spoke or dressed different and come loaded with sophisticated lifts, but came into her big, solid boat with all sorts of majestic surroundings.

When a Cuban living abroad returned to visit his homeland in a way he repeats a similar episode. By the visitor is like an island rediscovered it takes no exclamations like this "Damn but this is worse than leave it! or else - Oe but when I went on this street had potholes!, Or else - and the side window of the butcher shop where is it?. And it's that meet each one with the same place but this time as if it were a lonely island where they would have accelerated the time and instead of 3 years had passed 16 centuries.

inhabitants Moreover, those who have not been lucky enough to travel abroad or to grab a small boat and embark on risky journey across the sea, continually surprised when visitors arrive. Loaded with super powers as deities, sophisticated gifts to arrive in huge ships from distant and unreachable lands, clean and modern to visit the island to discover. Friends and family come only to smell us and touch us, as the Indians to the gods. As a gesture toward the natives share our superpowers delivering a greenback.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Baja Racer Mini Bike Green

"LCHAS" interview with Judith

Judit Iglesias ... "It should come out as a liar and treacherous Iago"

Judit Iglesias, was the winner of GH9, among reserve but thanks to support from the audience to the very twins exceeded Conchi and Pamela, that many were betting that they who will take the coveted prize, Judith has always proved to be a woman of flag and he is not worried what they might think of it, simple, humble and sincere, Judith confesses this afternoon and give us your opinion about the new contestants of Gh ...

Judit "Good afternoon, how are you going?

R. - Good evening Ana, I am going very well indeed.

What has been your life after being the winning GH?

A. - Well, I've been traveling a lot, I've written a book "Laws of Desire" Ed Aguilar. And now I'm with a project called Funeral Party.

What is your book?

R. - is a book about sexuality.

very sexual Are you or are you just gave for writing this genre? ... still

R. - No, the editorial suggested me because I am a sociologist and educator sexual affection.

Well and that new project you have in hand in question, can you tell us something?

R. - Funeral Party is a platform that serves as support to present work and activities of a predominantly Arts (music, film, literature, photography, painting, fashion, dance, travel ...) to create a virtual community in which contacts occur and to facilitate the promotion of creations.

Judit That is well, do you have open or closed doors after your visit to GH?

R. - I guess like everything you do in life, served to you and you open a close other. The fact is that they want to open and close those that do not interest you.

How do you see the new contestants of Gh 12?

R. - For the truth is that at first I did not like too much, from what I've seen ... now the ones I like are Michael and Ruben but outside ... (

Speaking of Ruben and all the controversy that has been built around, what do you think what happened between him and Chari?

R. - I think hard, very hard.

"Are you one to think that it was for both actions by Chari or who believe Ruben should leave?

R. - I do not think anyone should tell Ruben what to do, however ... I personally like more the behavior of the Chari Ruben, and I do not mean the issue of flirting course of it, if not how he wanted to reverse the tables by becoming the victim and making him feel guilty. Now that I do not like a hair.

Rubén Do you think the left or else will fall into his arms?

R. - ha ha I guess he would rather listen to Chari directly before making a decision, it is clear the boy is in love with her and will cost a lot to be separated from the girl who wants while it tells love you madly ... So as I said before, is going to be hard.

What do you have stayed in the house of GH, forgive your partner if you had done what he did to Reuben Chari?

R. - would have to talk at length and think if I really compensated or not.

Do we know what the contestants of this year that you like but what is the least?

A. - I say this because it annoys Galician like me, but I Yago cool "panel nel" Maybe it's because I'm "Turk" who knows ...

What do you dislike Yago exactly?

R. - His deceptions and betrayals.

Who do you think will come out this week?

R. - I hope it does Yago, because Chari and will be nominated, but perhaps not Iago.

it is fashionable to contestants that offer them Gh MYHYV throne, I have offered you?

R. - No, I have offered, but if I put an offer and occasionally some geek, it would go.
Judit very nice thank you very much, a pleasure talking with you, I wish you well in your projects and your life, I leave the last place for you ...

R. - Thank you and Happy Holidays to all !!!!!

Many thanks to everyone from The Ann and Yoc Confidential Magazine, we wish you a ... ! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bereavement Words Fo Cards

Alberto Iglesias Gutiérrez: "María Lapiedra has threatened me!"

Ana Santana interview with Alberto Gutierrez, who reveals threats María Lapiedra and Chari, the GH Ruben was a famous singer

TV disappeared off the bat but is back and stronger than ever, more extreme and willing to put some people in place, this afternoon to feel things such as he confesses, Alberto Gutiérrez ...

Alberto Goodnight, where have you been involved and have not seen you on TV?

R. - Hi, how are you all? Well, I've been doing other things but on Tuesday I go back to "Intimate Enemies" and burn the set that will be Aida Nizar and I go for it.

I'm glad ... Come back to stay, or is it just a confrontation with Aida Nizar? ... still

R. - No contest, I am a collaborator on two interventions that are for this year, but as Aida goes for all and I did not mention, sure we have it, is an unfortunate, as is my colleagues and Cristina Fernandez has spent three people.

What is what you get with Aida to you personally?

R. - That can not stand is the most obnoxious person I've seen and liar has no scruples do not understand how you can be intimate enemies, because frankly disgusting, the whole day with your program does not see anyone, not his beloved God.

fill the post of "Trapp?

A. - Not at all, this does not even reach the sole of the shoe Trapote not ever take his seat, this should be in the chair in his house, which did not hold anyone is bad .

Well changing the subject, what's happened to Mary Stone?

A. - Well, I was in Malaga and went to a local Torremolinos, while there was a guy approaches me and says, "bushing, do not you remember me?" And me, well no, I said that I was in Cadiz, in a local environment with celebrities and people who are now in GH and I do not remember it and we started talking, I turned a nice guy, but do not know, trusted me and that was that until Monday he starts calling me insulting and threatening a girl that I tried to bind me to guys with a girlfriend and it turns out is Mary Stone, this guy is her boyfriend, but the thing is I did nothing with it and calls me every day threatening me is going to give me two blows and that as remove the names of those who have been with me I'm going to shit.

Did you threatened Mary Stone?

A. - Yes Anne, I threatened to hit me and get my trouble and romances with people.

Are you afraid to take any mess or romance with someone famous?

R. - Fear none, but I've never talked about my life, nor have I sold anything of it and this is now the second person I threatened to take my romances, I was at the plate Yola Berrocal Intimate Enemy.

Before you were appointed you party with people which is in GH now, who?

R. - For Rubén it is very good guy and does not deserve it as Chari, nor that they have been expelled from GH for me is the best Big Brothers who have passed and he has my full support and I will defend it always, I take my hat to him.

Have you ever been walking with Ruben and Chari?

R. - Chari was working at a nightclub and Ruben showed me some friends from Cadiz, but it long ago, Chari walked like crazy to get into tv and wanted to have been a girl Sehon.

You mean the group that they formed Yola Berrocal and Sonia Monroy?

A. - Yes, the group of Sonia Monroy, although I have to talk to Sonia because I do not know if I do the casting, but it is very ligerita we helmets, Chari has much to be silent and in San Fernando the green, is give you the exclusive, Chari was also a famous singer but do not say his name because he is my friend and I respect that, but I say that Ruben did not deserve to be humiliated this aunt.

Chari and Ruben But take about three years together, when he was with the singer?

A - Well in one of the breaks that have been varied and now will be final because Reuben open your eyes and think everything he said he did not believe and see it is true. Apart from this singer was very close to Chari, now no longer has his life and lives in another city.

Can you tell us your initials?

R. - No, because you know and I do not say anything without permission, friends defend them to death.

Alberto "Well, anything else you want to tell us?

R. - Yes, acknowledge people when they do try and not with lies and Ruben anime is a good guy and I intend to tronista to MYHYV and on Tuesday I hope to "Intimate Enemies" and thank Ana for everything.

Alberto Thank you for trusting me to tell your experiences, a kiss and good luck on Tuesday.

Kisses to all.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Goldfish Air Bubble In Mouth

Christina Aguilera and Cher at Burlesque

The Cinematic Orchestra To Build A Home Sheet

Ana Mariela Santana Melchor

The former suitor Rafa Mora and former lover of Pipi Estrada removed the controversial July "the fierce"

Mariela Melcom was one of the most exuberant suitors Rafael Mora, it has been said many things and this afternoon he sits in the confessional to tell him that trick "El Feroz", how is your relationship with Rafa Mora and of course talk of disillusionment with Pipi Estrada took ...

Hi Mariela, whenever you see most often in the media world that attracts you?

R. - Hi Ana, it is that attracts me the world if given the chance to have come true in my person was involved.

Let these truths ... Let's start with Mr. Pipi Estrada ... You'd be very happy when it became clear in "Intimate Enemies" that you said the truth and had maintained a relationship with, or am I wrong? ... still

R. - No, you're wrong, the relationship existed before and during my participation in the program what happens is that for obvious reasons attempt to deny it as Miriam Sanchez but luckily I could prove who was telling the truth and who no.

have left some pictures of you with Mary Stone at a gig, which saw them chasing the two Pipi, with intent to do that?

R. - I met Mary on Intimate Enemy, talk and told me that she also knew Pipi and had maintained a relationship with him, I hit it and spending a few days at home and invited me to a event where they gave a prize for Pippi, I said I would go with Mary and they told me no problem, as we had refused at the time decided to laugh at him a little, as he had done to us.

were accused of having assembled all that in presenting the award to Pipi, simply to promote an erotic show that you had assembled, there is truth to that?

R. - Not true, the party were invited by the club that organized, as there was nobody on that presentation, you did us a favor to give press Pipi him, but Hannah is not more than twenty people were in that event seems to love the adviser not appreciate.

Did you feel cheated and betrayed by Pipi Estrada?

R. - I was disappointed more than anything and used, when I met him and had a relationship with him, was someone very special to me and me always very loving, attentive, but not what we did was good to be together while I was in the program, then when Miriam came back with any change, it was not clear to me, disappeared, never again call me, even to check on her, that's what disappointed me most of it, shared home , his life, every day for over two months and even as a friend should be retained, since I do not think that this love of Miriam Sanchez and comments of the people remains the same and being with other from time to time ...

Miriam herself has mentioned on several occasions that his "Carl" is absent at night, she said to go to IKEA, where you gonna believe?

R. - Go where you like to go to discos, to flirt, in my opinion, theirs is only expediency ... I think I have respected more to me in two months, her entire their relationship.

Changing the subject that you get along with Rafa Mora?

R. - In Rafa I do not get anything good or bad, last week we were together in Resistiré Okay?, I salute outside the program or after it, only a knowing look at a time and a wink in complicity plan and little else, was to retract the joke that you spend, when I made a video for same program but for reasons of time we could not touch the item on the agenda and did not leave.

plan When you say an accomplice in what you mean exactly?

R. - As giving me to understand that greeted me for a reason, and that all was well, he knew he was going to take it back then ... but as I say for reasons of time not to have been.

Is that why not greet you have a name of a woman, could be Rachel?

R. - No nothing to do, has been only in the subject of the joke of the program when he was in survivors.

that day to come to resist, was to clarify an issue with "El Feroz", what happened to you?

R. - I met him at a gig in Benidorm nightclub on the anniversary of that famous bolus passage of all, I proposed to work with 3 months of summer at his nightclub, I went with my two suitcases and all conditions I promised, did not meet any Ana, I do not want to pay the money agreed or agreed times and the floor we wanted was to live after cobrárnoslo, this happened only a week took advantage of me and another girl Maria Perez (Oliver suitor) that we rely on it, a week wanted to go to his club and that was the worst of Benidorm, there were always fights and was very ugly atmosphere of both people work, left us in the street, we a verbal fight in the door of his club, I realized there was a very aggressive, rude and bad person. Then we started working on another site, I look for in a holiday club where he appeared before me, insult me \u200b\u200bin every possible way, bitch, daughter of ..., sow, etc. and spat in my face, ran off, went to fetch and put me in front of a security always carries with him, and he does not have what it takes to meet anyone and kept insulting me immediately afterwards I was going to go to the police and told me that if he did it pay dearly, for fear of not denounce me 2 months were still ahead in Benidorm.

Do you regret not having denounced?

R. - If Ana, I regret very much, at the time I felt very alone there People I barely knew and I was afraid to know the friends of "The Fierce", that really do something, whether it was capable of spitting and disrespect that way also is an assault, I saw him capable of everything, going time and I realized I had little fierce and it was just a lamb, that if he went with his buddies he was someone, but just was not anyone, is more in Benidorm can not see anyone, try to geek, silly more ... And little man, and it is by not taking what you did and say that was not true in Sálvame Deluxe when it was dedicated to telling the whole world as a feat that had me laughing my aggression.

It has been rumored, and Kiko Hernández made the comment in "Save me", that there are some videos where you get "El Feroz" and his squadron doing real atrocities beggars, girls, etc ... Do you know anything about that?

A. - Yes, say that he teaches throughout the world, plus tax for girls in one room you have in the club, these videos out of the program and several girls who have been tronista taxed by having sex with girls and stock is unclear, then the "macho" This is dedicated to show his buddies.

What program are girls who have recorded "El Feroz"?

R. - Out of respect for them I will not give you those names, nor have I seen him in person these videos, people are by friends and friends of mine who have seen and by the mouth of the same fierce when working in its library.

I remember in one of the programs that a known tronista told a story where they had spent a lot of their little games with her while she was drinking something, it could be one of those girls recorded?

R. - Yes, that came into the program and was more content "will resist it!" A video out this tronista count, but time does not permit was issued, not whether it will rise this week.

Bone "the boy that she might be accused, without naming names, you think you could be the" El Feroz "?

R. - If that is what supposedly has it and I met him, no doubt at all.

Could more girls leave the program in light if the closure is opened with the testimony of this tronista?

R. - I do not know, I know for doubting whether or not these videos and shame girl does not speak and be understandable.

How would you rate the environment "El Feroz"?

R. - Romanians, Bulgarians and nerds, at least what I've known, he would qualify for millions of things, and taking this interview tell you to stop calling Mary Perez (suitor Oliver) , Karmen Garrido (expretendienta Rafael Mora, etc.)., saying that I am a daughter of ... for telling what I did and retreating from what he said in the Deluxe and I'm very stupid for not having agreed with him dishes telling what happened ...

Bone not rule out an "intimate enemies" or a face to face with you ...

R. - I for one am not interested in any deal with this guy, that's what you want it, because you crave a dish I did not, time will tell but so fierce is the subject no longer interested in any dish.

Mariela Well thank you very much for being so honest, I leave this room for you ...

R. - Just to say that time is always wise and the truth comes to light ... Thank you very much and kisses ...

Mariela Thank you for being so clear as ever, a kiss and good luck ...

now also on the radio ... every Saturday from 16:00 to 20:00 h. 89.7 fm

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funny Arobix Instructor Costumes For Women

coma transitive verb: "Trigger"

IN THIS BLOG have placed great emphasis on the importance of know how to use verbs correctly. To do so is necessary to differentiate between uses transitive, intransitive and pronominal. Those not familiar with these terms, do not be alarmed or feel frustrated. It's really simple: transitive verbs are those whose action lies with something . We call this something the direct complement . Example: "I wrote a letter my aunt yesterday." The direct object of the verb is letter. This makes the verb is transitive . The intransitive can not have a direct object. They can not work that way! Example: "I left the office late." "I went something the office? This construction is impossible in Castilian. And pronominal forms, on the other hand, use personal pronouns: I wake , you excel , is was , us take , you you saw, is fall in love . [. . .]

To continue reading, click here .

Friday, December 10, 2010

Brazilian T2 Camper Ireland

Island Rocks

died I understand
when rocks move toward the memory
Without knowing that the lights were usurped

blood kneels

asking for a hand not knowing who lack
find veins maps on the way
when the road becomes Ocean
sand when they are filled
sea and give drink to the fire when the heat
I died for understanding the rocks.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Refill Toner Hl-4040cdn

interview Interview. Javier Enzo speaks first tronista ... gay?

The popular hook "good law" introduced his candidacy to become the first gay tronista "MYHYV"

Born in Badajoz and Andalusian adoption. Javier's 25 years always showed artistic gifts. From early childhood I choose the art for a living. Painting, music, acting ... Javier has been able to capitalize on their strengths and to risk everything he has believed capable of doing. At just 11 years is presented to the contest I spy Teresa Rabal, is when he discovered his vocation for music. Little by little they were carving a path into the world of music and entertainment. In 2004 he decided to join the prestigious Academy and directed by Edith Salazar and upgrade their skills. And in 2007 when as a candidate for Eurovision. As an actor after he has been seen in cameos in "Yo soy Bea", "Question of Sex" and "Aida" on shows like "The Battle of the Choirs "sponsored by Lolita and several commercials. And is that Javier is full of surprises, a boy that nothing will stand in the way. Now who hear his name associated with the program known as" good law "known for his" anger "and" emphasis "that puts into all its discussions, but their backs weigh years of effort, discipline and achievement

Just recently, internet rumors associated with the throne name "MYHYV." gave rise to speculation and debate and many of the faithful followers of the best program in pairs, they saw Javier Enzo sits on the throne representing thousands of people of different sexual orientation. Women and men, and vice versa, but also gays, lesbians and bisexuals might find love. Times are changing. Love, "MYHYV" and sexual equality on the throne speaks to us today our guest: Javier Enzo. Will this be the first tronista Javier gay history "MYHYV?

usually You see women and men and vice versa? ... follows

R-The truth is that if it is a program which I love because it is targeting "all audiences" and I think that the end of it is to try that people, who by circumstances, find love on the street have the opportunity to do so by such means as respectable as any other. I find it very interesting to see the transparency of the vast majority of people looking at MYHYV love.

Regarding the presenter, Emma García, I think it shows great confidence and professionalism when dealing with all people who embark on this adventure. I would love to someday have as advisers to love Pipi Estrada and Miriam Sanchez.

You think it's a good program to find love?

R-Absolutely, yes. Addition I think it's an experience, but not everyone knows how to use since some tronista give the impression of focusing their way through the program to other goals that has nothing to do with the pursuit of love, I think it's worth, do not lose nothing and is an opportunity to find someone interesting and probably would not find otherwise.

Would you go to a program like this to find a partner? Would you be tronista if you encourage it you propose?

R-Of course, if he would go to find a partner and of course I would love to be tronista. I have to say that I have several years without a partner and that ultimately I concentrated fully on my career, which thank God I'm doing pretty well. I think I have neglected the field of love and it's time to try to change this aspect of my life. On the topic of relationships, and breaking the topic hanging over the gay community, I think a guy as far as family is concerned, very classic. I am waiting to find a person with whom to share all my achievements and with which to begin a serious way something stable. MYHYV think would be a good way to perform this search. Of course if I were given the chance, try this program with the utmost respect and I would take it with all the seriousness it deserves for me.

Many people have a very wrong and blurred image of the vast majority of homosexuals in general, and I think it is high time that in the XXI century is the opportunity to change this view uncertain and end the stereotypes that society created by generalizing and putting in the same boat everyone. Yes it is true that at any given time, or in a given situation may be exaggerated behavior, but that does not give rise to intolerance, discrimination or inequality.

If I were the first gay tronista, comply with program rules and of course in no time would be unfaithful to my principles. To take care all my picture but never lose the essence of fun, funny, original, honest ... that characterizes me.

Do you think that "Women and men, and vice versa" should have suitors tronista and other sexual orientations different from today?

R-Absolutely. Assuming that the law treats everyone equally, why not give the opportunity for any person, regardless of sexual orientation, to find love? I think that as long as things are done with love and respect for oneself and to the public, there should be no problem. According to statistics over 60% of the English population is in favor of marriages between same sex, which is why I think MYHYV can be a gateway to reflection and retraining for the minority who, for whatever reason, do not finish assimilate that everyone is equal and everyone has the right to pursue happiness the way they see fit, provided you are not hurting anyone. I was always told that one's freedom ends where the other begins.

Does the program should make changes to make this happen?

R "Absolutely. I do not see why would that change the format of a program which I think works. What is required is a change, but all of us belong to it.

Would more audience input and pretenders tronista gays the program? Why?

A. In my opinion, I would say yes. Many thousands of people faced long because they do not cover all options. They always say that on television sends the audience, so why ignore them? Perhaps many people simply for the curiosity and curiosity, would the program. I believe this new stage, as well as entertain, would be an example and help to many People who do not dare to take the plunge, for fear of not being accepted (I mean both homosexuals and their families and people around them). It is time really and not just on paper, we are all equal.

What do you think of the draft proposed YOC tronista input from other sexual conditions? That the program would devote two days to tronista men, two days to tronista women and Friday would be dedicated to tronista gays, lesbians, bisexuals. Therefore tronista would be three instead of two and would be pursued by suitors of these conditions sexual.

R_ "I think it's perfect, I think which is an original idea that I'm sure it would work, but I always try to repeat that with the greatest respect, not consenting, depending on actions that would harm the image of both the program and the tronista in question.

Greetings to all readers of YOC MAGAZINE. I hope that this initiative comes to fruition and that through it we can break many taboos.

Javier Enzo.


Friday, December 3, 2010

38 Weeks With White Discharge

The ladder and the desk

life in its path leaves behind several rendered, other drives in unstoppable career. Recently I met someone who has shared with me one of those unforgettable stories full of teaching. As well I need a lot to learn in my long journey I'm all ears to what each person chooses to share.

In the early 80 (considering my friend) started from a salesman for a computer parts company. Being age 23 had the record for being the biggest seller earning an average of $ 150 000 to $ 200 000 per year. As was single and young for my money he earned was more than enough. One day my boss called me into the office and informed me that of the eight major customers on my list needed take four to give to a new vendor in the company. The new vendor was a very attractive young man undoubtedly had captivated my boss and his next step in the strategy to approach him it was appropriate that my sacrifice had. My response is not slow - Why not get customers on their own as I got?. Obviously my position impossible seller somehow prevent what was already a decision.

Disappointed and angry to leave my house without the strength to work that day. I take refuge in my bed and TV without being able to think of anything but the injustice that my boss had made me. As he prayed, asking God for his Justice came to my mind the biblical text that says "Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God and exalt you in due time (1 Pet. 5:6). As you read this passage my mind brightened.

The next day began the new work plan. Immediately call my tailor and I ordered two new suits of the finest material for that week. Reported earnings that my work at that time amounted to stay out of the regular stores in search of my clothes. When you enter the doors again for the head office came and I touch my clothes caught-New clothes? replicated once, "Do not touch me! with your permission, I need to resolve an issue. And I retired in search of newspapers, magazines to find new companies looking for vendors for their products. At the first site, the individual had long hair, jeans and a shirt. This and told me that my experience would lead his company to higher levels. I was the only vendor that was presented in those days and the young man was almost all my instructions, I said I need a new suit and haircut. His company was called back then "PC's Limited."

started to sell immediately and take your company in less than a year promising profits. Introduce young man the company AMD which was incorporated into its model of selling through a contract. Because my earnings for that then they were far above everything lost. Shortly after my clients time exceeded my expectations and decided to leave "PCs Limited" in spite of frequent prayers and confess young executive who was in his prime.

With the passing of the years I decided to leave the business of sales and one day arriving in Houston in the crowd at the airport I could hear someone calling me, when you turn to see behind that mature face was that young man "PC's Limited, a friendly greeting me and after a brief chat again offered me work, graciously thanked her and told her that I no longer engaged in sales. Its size and shape I was amazed, this young man, Michael Dell, successfully continued to flood the market with their computers.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Halloween Rhyming Invitations

What is love

First and to speak out, is tremendous shit if you do not apply. You can drag across the floor, feeling that you can download the stars, stop time, hypnotize with your eyes, kneel in supplication dying and mourn bitterly, to reconcile with the dead, dream the same dream every night and all day every day, risking their lives if necessary to prove who has smitten the heart as felt in the mere attempt to get attention, spend the whole year's salary in a single gift change the way you are, dress, talk and even walk to win over that person and give up anything to wait forever without even move in the slightest.

other hand, if you're under is as if one lived in the pages of a book, sleep with a smile and wake up with it as a complete turkey, visit the shops just to buy one gift after another, are the muses in army to help with original poems and sentences like, there is nothing negative, all you answer yes, as if to answer the sound waves might accidentally crack a glass of fine crystal. Finally, in all its variants, the act of love is not only a risky step for the emotions, the senses and the pocket, but he also snores taro!.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Clean Patent Leather Sneakers

WHILE Academies appear to have taken a small reverse its decision to exempt the use of the word tilde only when it is an adverb, never authorized the tilde see on a word or only the image you see on the left.

only Here is an adjective and modifies the noun place. There is talk of one place , Not several or many. Neither the old nor the spelling reform of 1999 or the soon to be published has authorized an accent on the adjective only. [. . .]

To continue reading click on the link below: 01/departamento-de-ortografia-con-% E2% 80% 9Csolo% E2% 80% 9D-hay-de-accents-a-accents /