Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chaining Shiny Soul Silver

Who am I!

A nice guy, polite, good friend, honest, faithful, hardworking, Sharer, kind, compassionate, courageous, determined, sincere, energetic, thoughtful, committed, loving, self-critical, intelligent, attractive, talented, caring, nice, delicate, upright, humble, patient, observant, studious, responsible, enterprising, punctual, detail oriented, implemented, realistic, meticulous, generous, careful, gentle, active, athletic, gentle, measured, fighter, analytical, gentleman, happy, mature, adventurous, sociable, expressive, patriotic, generous, organized, multifaceted, disciplined, persistent, simple, patient, obedient, bold, wise, friendly, caring, moral, peaceful, generous, hardworking, fair, decent and impartial. And do not dare to contradict!


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