on signs that advertise vacancies for interested applicants for employment, they often encounter the phrase we see in the image that leads to this post "Sex indistinct." One might think that this is a taste brothel clientele exquisite . In fact, over the centuries have had androgynous an undeniable, both in men and women, for the mystery they contain, "Is man but looks like a woman? Will women and men seem to ... ".
The androgynous can be defined as a person " Whose external features definitely do not correspond with the gender-specific ." In other words, a man can be, but seem woman, or vice versa. Where the most outstanding feature is in adolescence, when not yet fully developed these defining characteristics of sex such as beard, broad shoulders and Adam's apple (or nut of the throat) in men developed bust, wide hips and absence of a beard in women.
The word indistinct implies that something "is no different from anything else" or "not perceived clearly and distinctly." If claiming "personal sex either ", is looking for people whose gender no different or not perceived clearly and distinctly . But I doubt that this is the case.
probably here meant that the company could apply for jobs, either , both men and women. Instead of using the voice indistinct Could have pointed out, more simply, "He asked staff, men and women with experience in the industry."
Another formula we see frequently is "staff are asked of both sexes." Here, more than a matter of androgyny, it seems a case of hermaphroditism. But it would have to dedicate another post ...
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