In this particular restaurant's menu Chili ' s, we appreciate the fried word, the feminine plural form of one of the two passive participles for the verb there frying. To put it another way, fry has two passive participles: the fried regular and irregular fried. Something similar occurs with the verb print . We have a regular passive participle, printed, and the irregular shape, form . Many readers have asked me which of the two passive participles of these verbs is correct , the regular ( frying , printed ) or irregular (fried , printed ).
rather not appeal to correction, since we are in an evolutionary process in which what had been correct now begins to seem, to many, wrong. When a sufficient percentage of Castilian speakers use only one of two ways, the other will soon join the ranks of the words outdated or obsolete .
With frying and print passes following. The irregular shapes and fried printed are now universally used both as adjectives as phrasal verbs and the passive periphrastic:
· In compound verbs:
We fried eggs enough for an army.
had printed three thousand copies.
· In the passive periphrastic:
Here Fried eggs are with olive oil.
were printed three thousand copies.
· As adjectives
I love fried eggs .
brought three thousand copies printed .
still use the regular forms (fried and printed ) in compound verbs and the passive periphrastic, but not suitable adjectival function: the case of adjectives, often irregular shapes are preferred, as in the two examples I have just outlined. Here are the regular forms and phrasal verbs in the passive periphrastic:
· In compound verbs:
We have enough eggs fried for an army. (Less usual, but still correct)
had printed three thousand copies. (Less usual, but still correct)
· In the passive periphrastic :
Here eggs are fried in olive oil. (Less usual, but still correct)
were printed three thousand copies. (Less usual, but still correct)
Even with this explanation must be clear: today, they still prefer that these two cases are used fried, fried , and printed , printed. Regular shapes ( frying, fried and printed, printed ) are falling into disuse, but are still a bit away from being labeled as wrong . But adjectives are not acceptable as regular forms. No one should say or write, then "I love fried eggs " or "They brought three thousand copies printed " .
So, we should inform friends Chili ' s that in your menu you should see the following caption: "Tasty breaded chicken strips, fried to perfection [...]." Can you take printed this blog entry. But do not take printed .
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