Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Long For A Hematoma To Dissolve?

More friends Chatinos

I can not stop with the Chatinos! Here
autumn-winter fairies
And the pirate with wooden leg
And I made a mermaid with bob hairstyle, but the pictures I owe you tomorrow: o)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Black And Ivory Wedding Centerpieces

S / T

I only


your fingernail on a page that still hurts

heaven and descends

descends between the horizon and the earth opens

separates my eyes. .. and down

Hostels In Amsterdam Under 18

embassies of other countries in Cuba

diplomatic missions in Havana

GERMANY Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Chancery
Dir: B Street No.652 esq. to 13
Vedado Phone: 33 2460 2569

33 33 33 3188 2539

Fax: 33 1586

Hon. Dr. Reinhold Huber. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

ANGOLA Embassy of the Republic of Angola Chancery
Dir: 5th. Avenue No.1012 e / 10 and 12, Miramar

Phone: 24 24 2180 2474

24 2275 Fax: 24 2117

Hon. Mr. Joao Manuel Bernardo. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

ALGERIA Embassy of the Republic of Algeria People's Democratic

Chancery Dir: 5th. Avenue No.2802 esq. to 28,
Miramar, Playa
Phone: 24 24 2538 2835

24 2791 Fax: 24 2702

Hon. Mr. Rabah Kerouaz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

ARGENTINA Embassy of Argentina Chancellery
Dir: Calle 36 No.511 e / 5ta.
and 7th.
Miramar Phone: 24 2972 \u200b\u200b2565

24 24 24 2110 2549

24 2573 Fax: 24 2140
. Mr.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs.

Donna Maria de los Milagros Raballo,
Minister Plenipotentiary, Chargé d'Affaires ai

AUSTRIA Embassy of the Republic of Austria Chancery
Dir: Calle 4 No.101 esq. to 1st.,
Miramar, Playa
Phone: 24 2394 2825

24 Fax: 24 1235

Hon. Mrs. Dr. Helga Konrad
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy Community The Bahamas

Hon. Lincoln Mr Davidson Hepburn, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(resides in Nassau)

BELARUS Embassy of the Republic of Belarus Chancery
Dir: 5ta.A Ave, No. 3802,
e / 38 and 40, Miramar
Phone: 33 0341
Fax: 33 0340

Mr. Vladimir Pischaco,
Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai

BELGIUM Embassy of Belgium Chancery
Dir: 5th. Avenue No.7408 esq. 76, Miramar
Phone: 24 2410 2561

24 Fax: 24 1318

Hon. Mr. Patrick De Beyter
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

BELIZE Belize Embassy Chancery
Dir: 5ta.A Ave, No. 3608,
e / 36 and 36-A, Miramar
Phones : 24 ......... 24 3504 3506 Fax

Hon. Ms. Amalia Mai, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

BENIN Embassy of the Republic of Benin Chancery
Dir: Calle 20 No.119
and / 1st. and 3rd, Miramar
Phone: 24 2179
Fax: 24 2334

Mr. Simplice Gnanguessy,
Minister Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai

BOLIVIA Embassy of the Republic of Bolivia Chancery

Dir : Calle 26 No.113
and / 1st. and 3rd, Miramar
Phone: 24 24 2127 2426

24 2739 Fax: 24 2127 2426 24

Hon. Mrs. Maria Eugenia Salinas Iñarra, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

BRAZIL Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil

Chancery Dir: Lonja del Comercio, Calle
Lamparilla No.2 4th. Flat "K",

Habana Vieja Phone: 66 9052 9080

66 Fax: 66 2912

Hon. Mr. Luciano Martins de Almeida, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

BULGARIA Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria Chancery
Dir: Calle B No.252 e / 11 y 13, Vedado

Phone: 33
3125 to 26 Fax: 33 3297
Ms. Mrs. Emilia

Stefanova Chargé d'


Embassy of Burkina Faso Foreign Ministry Dir: Calle 40 No.516,
/ 5th A and 7th.
Miramar Phone: 24 2217 2895

24 Fax: 24 1942

Hon. Mr. Salif Nébié, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of the Republic of Cape Verde Chancery
Dir: Calle 20 No.2001 esq. 7th, Miramar

Phone: 24 2979
Fax: 24 1072

Hon. Mrs. Maria de Fatima Lima Veiga, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

CAMBODIA Royal Embassy of Cambodia Chancery
Dir: 5th. Ave
No.7001 e / 70 and 72, Miramar
Phone: 24 1496 2333

24 Fax: 24 6400

Hon. Mr. Chhim Prorng, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

CANADA Canadian Embassy Chancery
Dir: Calle 30 No.518
esq. to 7th., Miramar
Phone: 24 24 2517 2516

24 24 2382 2527 2752

24 Telefax: 24 24 1069 2044

Hon. Mr.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

Ms. Jennifer Irish,
Political Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai

CZECH Embassy of the Czech Republic Foreign Ministry

Dir: Avenida Kohly
No.259 e / 41 and 43, Nuevo Vedado
Phone: 33 3201 3467

33 Fax: 33 3596

Josef Marsicek, Chargé d'Affaires


Embassy of the Republic of Chile Chancery

Dir: Calle 33 No.1423 e / 14
and 18, Miramar
Phone: 24 1222 1223

24 Fax: 24 1694

Hon. Mr. Germain Guerrero Pavez (Designate) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

CHINA Embassy of the People's Republic of China Foreign Ministry
Dir: Calle 13 No.551 e / C and D, Vedado

Phones : 33 33 3614 3005

Fax: 33 3092

Hon. Sr.Wang Chengjie,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

COLOMBIA Embassy of Colombia Chancery

Dir: Calle 14 No.515 e / 5ta.
and 7th., Miramar
Phone: 24 to 48
1246 Fax: 24 1249

Hon. Dr. Julio Londono Paredes, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

CONGO Embassy of the Republic of Congo Chancery
Dir: 5th. Ave
No.1003 e / 10 and 12, Miramar
Tele / Fax: 24 9055

Hon. Mr. Pascal Onguemby, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Democratic People's Republic of Korea Chancery
Dir: Calle 17 No.752
esq. Paseo, Vedado
Phone: 66 2313
Fax: 33 3073

Hon. Mr. Kim Kil Hwan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of the Dominican Republic Chancery

Dir: Ave 5ta. No.9202,
e / 92 and 94, Playa
Telephone: 24 24 8430 8429

Fax: 24 8431

Hon. Dr. Daniel Guerrero Taveras, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

ECUADOR Embassy of Ecuador Chancery
Dir: Ave 5taA
No.4407 e / 44 and 46, Miramar Phone
: 24 24 2820 2034

Fax: 24 2868

Hon. Mr. José Eduardo Tobar Fierro, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

EGYPT Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Chancery
Dir: 5th. Avenue No.1801 esq. to 18,

Miramar Phone: 24 2542

242441 Fax: 24 0905

Hon. Mr. Hazem Mohamed Taher, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

SLOVAKIA Embassy of the Slovak Republic Chancery
Dir: Calle 66 No.521
e / 5ta.-B and 7th, Miramar
Phones : 24 24 1885 1884

Fax: 24 1883

Mr. Ján Gábor,
Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai


Chancery Embassy of Spain Dir: Street Jail
No.51 esq. Zulueta, Havana
Phone: 33 8025

33 806 Fax: 33 8006

Hon. Mr. Eduardo Junco Bonet, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

PHILIPPINES Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines Chancery

Dir: 5th. No.2207 esq
Ave. 24, Miramar
Phone: 24 1372 9220

24 Fax: 24 2915

Hon. Mr. Wenceslao Jose O. Quirolgico, Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary


French Embassy Chancery
Dir: Calle 14 No.312
e / 3ra. and 5th, Miramar
Phone: 24 2132 2080

24 24 24 2143 2308

24 24 1439 2792

Hon. Mr. Yvon Roe D'Albert, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

GHANA Embassy of the Republic of Ghana Chancery
Dir: 5th. No.1808 esq
Ave. 20, Miramar, Playa
Phone: 24 24 2961 2153

24 2613 Fax: 24 2317

Hon. Dr. Kwaku Danso-Boafo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland Chancery
Dir : Calle 34 No.702-704
esq. to 7th, Miramar
Phone: 24 1771
Fax: 24 8104 9213 24

Hon. Mr. David FC Ridgway, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of Grenada Chancery Dir: Calle 17B No. 16415 e / 164 and 174, Siboney, Playa

Phone: 28 8915 ..
Fax: 28 8916

Hon. Ms. Nadica Mc Inctyre
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
(resides in Grenada)

Mr. Raphael Joseph,
Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai

Greece Embassy of the Hellenic Republic Chancery Dir

.: 5th. Avenue No.7802 esq. 78, Miramar, Playa

Telephone: 24 24 2854 2995

Fax: 24 1784

Hon. Mr. George Costoulas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

GUATEMALA Embassy of the Republic of Guatemala

Chancery Dir: Calle 16, No. 505 e / 3ra. And 5th, Miramar

Phone: 24 3417 3419

24 Fax: 24 3200

Hon. Mr. Hugo René Guzmán Maldonado, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

GUINEA Embassy of the Republic of

Guinea Chancery Dir: Calle 20 No.504 e / 5ta. and 7th, Miramar

Phone: 24 2003 2428

24 Fax: 24 2380

Hon. Alioune Cheick Conde, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of the Republic of Guinea Bissau

Chancery Dir: Calle 14 No.313 e / 3ra. and 5th. Ave, Miramar

Phone: 24 2689
Fax: 24 2794

Mr. Liberato Gomes,
Minister Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai


Embassy of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea

Dir Chancery: 1511 K St., NW, Suite 405, Washington, DC 20005 USA

Phone: (202) 393 0525 Telefax
: (202) 393 0348

Hon. Mr. Pastor Micha Ondo Bile, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(He lives in Washington)

GUYANA Embassy of Guyana Chancery

Dir: Calle 18 No.506 e / 5ta. and 7th, Miramar

Telephone: 24 24 2094 2249

Fax: 24 2867
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Hon. Mr. Timothy N. Crichlow,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

HAITI Embassy of the Republic of Haiti Chancery

Dir: No. 6804, e / 68 and 70, Miramar

Phone: 24 5421 5422

24 Fax: 24 5423

Hon. Mr. Pierre Lelong, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
(lives in New York) Mr. Jean William

Director, Chargé d'

HUNGARY Embassy of the Republic of Hungary Chancery

Dir: Calle G No.458 e / 19 and 21, Vedado

Phone: 33 3365 3474 33

Fax: HE

33 3286. Mr. Vilmos Kopányi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of the Republic of India Chancery

Dir: Calle 21 No.202 esq. a K, Vedado

Phone: 33 3169 3777 33

Fax: 33 3287 3106 33

Hon. Mr. Ramiah Rajagopalan,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

INDONESIA Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Chancery

Dir: Ave 5ta. No.1607 esq. to 18, Miramar

Phone: 24 24 9963 9618

24 0046 Fax: 24 9617

Hon. Dr. R. Haridadi Sudjono, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

IRAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Chancery

Dir: 5th. Avenue No.3002 esq. 30, Miramar

Phone: 24 24 2675 2597

24 2950 Fax: 24 2770

Hon. Mohseni Salehi Seyed Davood Monfared, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of the Republic of Iraq Foreign Ministry

Dir: 5th. Avenue No.8201 e / 82 y 84, Miramar

Phone: 24 24 1608 1607

24 1609 Fax: 24 2157

Hon. Mr Mohammed Mahmoud KH. Al-Amili, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

IRELAND Embassy of Ireland

Hon. Mr. Art D. Agnew, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in Mexico)


Italian Embassy Chancery
Dir: Calle Paseo
No.606 e / 25 and 27, Vedado, Plaza
Phone: 33 3334 3356

33 33 33 3390 3378

Fax: 33 3416

Hon. Mr Giuseppe Moscato, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of Jamaica Chancery
Dir: Av 5th-A No.3608,
e/36 and 36-A. Miramar.
Phone: 24 2908 6959

24 Fax: 24 2531

Hon. Mr. Carlyle Dunkley, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

JAPAN Japanese Embassy Chancery

Miramar Business Center, Bldg 1, 5th. Floor, 3rd Avenue
. Esq 80, Miramar
Phone: 24 3508 3355
24 Fax ..........:

24 8902. Mr. Mutsuo Mabuchi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

JORDAN Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Chancery
Dir: 866 United National Plaza, Room 550-552
New York, NY 10017 USA

Phone: 752 752 0136 0135


826 0830 Hon. Mr. Hassan Abu-Nimah, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in New York)

KAZAKHSTAN Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Hon. Ms. Madina B. Jarbussynoba (Designated) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in New York)

LAOS Embassy of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Chancery

Dir: 5th.
Avenue No.2808 esq. 30, Miramar
Phone: 24 24 1057 1056

24 1059 Fax: 24 9622

Hon. Mr. Chanpheng Sihaphom, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

LEBANON Embassy of Lebanon Chancery

Dir: Calle 17-A No.16403 e /
164 and 174, Siboney
Phone: 33 6220 6221

33 Fax: 33 6432 7532 33

Hon. Mr. Sleiman C. Rassi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Office of the Great Jamahiriya Arab Jamahiriya

Foreign Ministry Dir: 7th. Avenue No.1402 esq.
to 14, Miramar
Phone: 24 24 2892 2192

24 0150 Fax: 24 2991
Mr. Abdullatif
H. El-Khazmi,
First Secretary, Charge d'Affaires ai

MEXICO Embassy of Mexico

Foreign Ministry Dir: Calle 12 No.518 esq.
to 7th. Ave, Miramar, Playa.

Phone: 24 2383 2553

24 24 24 2909 2583

24 2498 Fax: 24 2294 2717 24

Hon. Mr. Heriberto M. Quinones Galindo (Designate), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Mr. Mr. Marco Antonio Loustaunau Knight
Minister, Chargé d'Affaires ai

MONGOLIA Embassy of Mongolia

Foreign Ministry Dir: Calle 66 No.505 esq.
to 5ta.A, Miramar
Phone: 24 2763
Fax: 24 0639

Hon. Mr. Baljin Nyamaa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

MOZAMBIQUE Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique Chancery

: Dir: 7th. Avenue No.2203 e / 22
and 24, Miramar

Phone: 24 24 2445 2443

24 2630 Fax: 24 2232

Hon. Mr. Júlio Goncalo Braga, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

MYANMAR Embassy of the Union of Myanmar Chancery
Dir: 10 East 77th Street,
New York, NY 10021, USA
Phone: (212) 535
1310 (212) 535 1311
Fax: (212) 737 2421

Hon. Mr. U Win Mra, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in New York)

NAMIBIA Embassy of the Republic of Namibia Chancery
Dir: Ave 5ta.-A No.4406 e / 44
and 46, Miramar
Phone: 24 1428 1430

24 Fax: 24 1431

Hon. Mr. Elia Akwaake, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

NEPAL Embassy of Nepal
Dir Chancery: 820 Second Avenue, Suite 202
, New York, NY 10017, USA
Phone: 370

4188 370 4189 Fax: 953 2038

Hon. Mr. Narendra Bikram Shah, (Designate) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in New York)


Embassy of the Republic of Nicaragua
Foreign Ministry Dir: Calle 20 No.709 e / 7th. and 9th, Miramar

Phone: 24 1025
Fax: 24 6323

Dr. Napoleon Gadea Luis Arostegui
Minister Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai

NIGER Embassy of the Republic of Niger Chancery
Dir: 38 Blackburn Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada Phone: (613) 232 4291 to 93
Fax: (613) 230 9808

Hon. Ms. Rakiatou Mayaki, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(He lives in Ottawa)

NIGERIA Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Chancery
Dir: 5th. Avenue No.1401 e / 14 and 16, Miramar
Phone: 24 24 2091 2898

24 2936 Fax: 24 2202

Hon. Mr Ngam Nwachukwu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

NORWAY Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway

Chancery Dir: Ave Virreyes 1460, Lomas
Viceroys, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, 11000
Mexico City
Phone: 540 5250 3486

540 540 5221 540 3487

Fax: 202 3019

Hon. Mr. Bjorn S. Utheim, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in Mexico)

OMAN Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman HE

. Mr. Fuad Mubarak Al-Hinai Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in New York)


Embassy of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Chancery
Dir: Calle Tacon # 12, Habana Vieja

Hon. Mr.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Mr. Manuel Estévez Pérez,
Minister Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai


Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Foreign Ministry
Dir: Calle 8 # 307 e / 3ra. and 5th, Miramar

Phone: 24 2511 2512

24 24 24 2708 2534

Fax: 24 2059

Hon. Ms. Cornelia Minderhoud,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

PAKISTAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Chancery

Dir: Hegel No. 512 Colonia Polanco, CP
. 11560 Mexico, DF
Phone: 545 531 2020 2129

Hon. Mr. Amir Mohammad Khan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in Mexico)

PALESTINE Embassy of the Palestinian State Chancellery

Dir: Calle 20 No.714 e / 7th.
and 9th, Miramar
Phone: 24 2556
Fax: 24 1159

Hon. Mr. Imad Jada'a, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

PANAMA Embassy of the Republic of Panama

Chancery Dir: Calle 26 No.109 e / 1st.
and 3rd., Miramar
Phone: 24 1673 0858

24 Telefax: 24 24 9011 1674

Hon. Mr. Marco Antonio Alarcón Palomino, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Embassy of the Republic of Paraguay
Dir: Calle 34 No. 503 e / 5ta. and 7th.,
Miramar Phone: 24 0884
Fax: 24 0883

Armoa Mr. Anastacio Medina,
First Secretary, Charge d'Affaires ai

PERU Embassy of Peru Chancery
Dir: Calle 30 No.107 e / 1st. and
3rd., Miramar
Phone: 24 2477 2632

24 Telefax: 24 24 9788 2636

Hon. Juan Castilla Meza,
Extraordinanrio and Plenipotentiary Ambassador


Embassy of the Republic of Poland Chancellery
Dir: Calle G No.452 esq. a 19, Vedado
Phone: 66 2439 to 41
Fax: 66 2442

Ecmo.Sr. Jan Janiszewski, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

PORTUGAL Embassy of Portugal Chancery
Dir: 5th. Avenue No.6604 e / 66 y 68, Miramar
Phone: 24 2871 0149

24 Fax: 24 2593

Hon. Dr. Manuel Silva Alfredo Duarte Costa,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

ROMANIA Embassy of Romania Chancery
Dir: Calle 21 No.307 e / H e I, Vedado
Phone: 33 3325 3322

33 Fax: 33 3324

Hon. Mr.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Constantin Rusei

Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai

RUSSIA Embassy of the Russian Federation Foreign Ministry
Dir: 5th. Avenue No.6402 e / 62 and 66, Miramar
24 1085 24 2686 24 1080

Fax: 24 1038

Hon. Victorovich Mr. Andrei Dmitriev (Designate) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Mr. Mikhail L. Kamynin
Minister Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai

RWANDA Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda HE

. Mr. Laurent Nkongoli (Designate), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of Sahrawi Arab Democratic

Dir: 5th. Ave No. 8206 e / 82 y 84, Miramar

Phone: 24 1045 1499

24 Fax: 24 6401

Hon. Said Mr. Naama Yumani, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of the Republic of San Marino Foreign Ministry

Dir: Told Omerelli 33 San Marino. Republic of San Marino

Phone: (378) 882 210
Fax: (378) 882 245

Hon. Mr. Luca Brandi (Designate), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Hon. Mr. Kingsley Layne, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(He lives in Washington)

HOLY SEE Apostolic Nuncio

the Vatican Embassy Chancery

Dir: Calle 12 No.514 e / 5th. and 7th, Miramar

Phone: 24 2700 2296

24 Fax: 24 2257

Hon. Archbishop Luis Robles Díaz

Apostolic Nuncio

SENEGAL Embassy of the Republic of Senegal Chancery

Dir: 57 Marlborough Avenue, K1N 8E8,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Phone: (613) 238 6392

Hon. Mr. Pierre Diouf, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(He lives in Ottawa)


Embassy of the Republic of Seychelles HE

. Anthony Sylvestre Mr. Claude Morel, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in New York)


Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone HE
. Mr. Ibrahim M. Kamara, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in New York)

SYRIA Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic Chancery

Dir: 5th. Avenue No.7402 e / 74 and 76, Miramar
Phone: 24 2266 2434

24 Fax: 24 2829
Dr. Farah, Chargé d'Affaires

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Chancery Dir: Calle 32 No.307 e / 3ra. and 5th, Miramar

Phone: 24 2649 2562

24 Fax: 24 2183
Mr. Don Bernard Kalidasa
Withanage, Chargé d'Affaires

SOUTH AFRICA Embassy of the Republic of South Africa
Foreign Ministry Dir: 5th. Avenue No.4201 esq. 42, Miramar
Phone: 24 24 9671 9658

to 76 Fax: 24 1101

Hon. Mr. Noel Makhaya Ndlou John Mosier (Designate),
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

SUDAN Embassy of the Republic of Sudan Foreign Ministry

Dir: 733 Third Avenue, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA

Phone: (212) 573 6033
(212) 573 6035
(212) 573 6038
(212) 573 6039
Fax: (212) 573 6160

Hon. Mr. Fatih Mohamed Ahmed Erwa (Designate) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in New York)

SWEDEN Embassy of Sweden Chancery
Dir: Ave 31 No.1411 e / 14 and 18, Miramar
Phone: 24 2831
Fax: 24 1194

Hon. Michael Fruhling, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

SWITZERLAND Embassy of Switzerland Chancery

Dir: 5th. Avenue No.2005 e / 20 and
22, Miramar, Playa
Phone: 24 24 2729 2611

24 2989 Fax: 24 1148

Hon. Mr. Jean-Claude Richard, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Interests Section of the United States of America

Address: Calzada e / L and M, Vedado
Phone: 33 3551 3543 33 to 59 to 47

Fax: 66 2095

Michael E. COM Parmly,
Counsellor (Head of Section)

SURINAME Embassy of the Republic of Suriname HE

. Abdul Rafik Mr. Hasrat Humphrey, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in Guyana)

TANZANIA Embassy the United Republic of Tanzania Chancery

Dir: 50 Range Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1N BJ4,

Canada Phone: (613) 232 5184

Hon. Dr. Moses Ben Ngwai (Designate) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(He lives in Ottawa)

THAILAND Royal Thai Embassy

Chancery Dir: Sierra Watershed 1030, Lomas
Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, CP 11000
, Mexico, DF
Mobile: 596 596 8446 1290

Ms. Pornpimon
Minister Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai
(lives in Mexico)

TOGO Embassy of the Republic of Togo Chancery
Dir: 112 East 40th Street, N. York, NY 10016, USA
Phone: 490 490 3456

3455 Fax: 983 7684

Hon. Mr. Soumi Biovar PENNANEACH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(lives in N. York)


Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Hon. Mr. Dennis Francis, (Designate) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(He lives in Jamaica)

TUNISIA Embassy of Tunisia HE
. Mr. Habib Lazreg, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

(He lives in Ottawa)

TURKEY Embassy of the Republic of Turkey Chancery
Dir: 5th. Avenue No.3805 e / 36 and 38, Miramar
Phone: 24 2237 2933

24 Fax: 24 2899

Hon. H. Yalgin Ataman, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

UKRAINE Embassy of Ukraine Chancery

Dir: 5th. Avenue No.4405 e / 44 and 46, Miramar
Phone: 24 2586 7190

24 24 24 2374 5169

Fax: 24 2341

Hon. Mr. Evgen G. Svinarchuk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

UGANDA Embassy of the Republic of Uganda Chancery
Dir: Calle 20 No.713 e / 7th. and 9th., Miramar
0469 24 Fax: 33 6668

Hon. Mrs Elizabeth Paula Napeyok, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

URUGUAY Embassy of Uruguay Chancery
Dir: Calle 14 No.506 e / 5ta. and 7th., Miramar
Phone: 24 2311 2040

24 Fax: 24 2246

Hon. Mr. Enrique Estrazulas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

VENEZUELA Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Chancery
Dir: Calle 36A No.704 e / 7th. and 42, Miramar
Phone: 24 2662 2497

24 24 24 2612 2631

Fax: 24 2773

Hon. Mr.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Rocío Maneiro

Minister Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai

VIETNAM Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Foreign Ministry
Dir: 5th. Avenue No.1802 esq. to 18, Miramar
241502 Fax: 24 1041

Hon. Mr. Thai Van Lung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of the Republic of Yemen Chancery

Dir: Calle 16 No.503 e / 5ta. and 7th.

Miramar Phone: 24 24 1509 1506

24 3222 Fax: 24 1131

Hon. Dr. Ahmed Abdulla Abdul Elah, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

YUGOSLAVIA Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Chancery

Dir: Calle 42 No.115 e / 1st. and 3rd., Miramar

Phone: 24 24 2488 2982

2607 24 Fax: 24 2982

Mr. Velimir Lalevic,
Minister Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai

ZAMBIA Embassy of the Republic of Zambia Chancery
Dir: 237 East 52nd. Street, N. York, NY 10022, USA
Phone: 758 1110
Fax: 758 1319 Mr. Mathias Daka

Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires ai
(lives in New York)

ZIMBABWE Embassy Republic of Zimbabwe Chancery
Dir: 3rd Avenue. No.1001 e / 10 and 12, Miramar
Phone: 24 2857 2837

24 Fax: 24 2720

Hon. Ben Mr Jevan Maseko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Embassy of the Commission of the European Communities

Chancery Dir: Paseo de la Reforma 1675, Lomas de Chapultepec
CP 11001, Mexico City

Telephone: 540 3345 to 47

Hon. Mr. Manuel Lopez Blanco,
Ambassador, Head of Delegation
(lives in Mexico)



United Nations Organization

Resident Coordinator's Office of Operational Activities for Development

Offices Dir: Calle 18 No.110 e / 1st. and 3rd., Miramar

Phone: 24 1512 1517 24 to 15


Hon. Mr. Luis Gomez-Echeverri,

Resident Coordinator UNDP

United Nations Program for Development Offices
Dir: Calle 18 No.110 e / 1st. and 3rd, Miramar

Phone: 24 1512 1517 to 15

24 Fax: 24 1516

Hon. Mr. Luis Gomez-Echeverri
Resident Representative

WFP World Food Programme Offices

Dir: Calle 36 No.724 e / 7th.
and 17, Miramar
Phone: 24 3029
Fax: 24 1505

Sr.German Valdivia,

Representative UNFPA

Fund Population of the United Nations Office
Dir: Calle 18 No.110 e / 1st. and 3rd., Miramar

Phone: 24 1512 1517 to 15

24 Fax: 24 1516

Hon. Mr. Luis Gomez-Echeverri,

Representative FAO

Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture

Dir: Calle 154 No.301, Rpto. Nautical
Phone: 33 6411 to 13
Fax: 33 6409

Hon. Fernando Robayo Jairo Rodriguez,
Permanent Representative and Head of Mission


Organization United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Culture Dir: No.551 Calzada esq. a D, Vedado
Phone: 32 7741 2840 32

32 1787 32 7638 33 3438

Fax: 33 3144

Hon. Mr.
Director of the Regional Office and Representative


World Health Organization / Pan American Health

Offices Dir: Calle 4 No.307 e / 17 and 19
Vedado Phone: 55
2526 to 27 Fax: 662 075

Hon. Dr. Patricio Yepez Eduardo Miño, Permanent Representative

UNICEF United Nations Fund for Children
Dir: Calle 1ra.B No.15201 esq. to 152 nautical
Phone: 33 6094 6307 33

Mr. Alfredo R. Missair, Deputy Representative



Honorary Consulate of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Dir: 3rd. Avenue No.2403 e / 24 and 26, Miramar
Phone: 24 4212 4213

24 Fax: 24 0092

Mr. Jorge Alberto Nicanovich, Honorary Consul


Honorary Consulates Canada
Dir: Calle 13 e / 1st and Camino del Mar, Varadero
Lisa Makarchuk, Honorary Consul

Dir: Holguín Guardalavaca Villas Cabanas

Ms. Louise Di Tomasso

Honorary Consul CYPRUS

Consulate Honorary Republic of Cyprus
Dir: Avenida 1ra. No.2602, Esq. to 26, Miramar
Phone: 24 8117 8118

24 Fax: 24 8119

Miss. Maria P. Tsakos, Honorary Consul


Consulate General of Colombia

Dir: Calle 14 No.515 and 5ta. and 7mA,
Miramar Phone: 24 1246
al 48 Fax: 24 1249

Mrs. Martha's Nest Stand, Consul General

Costa Rica

General Consulate of the Republic of Costa Rica
Dir: Miramar Trade Center, 3rd Street. Esq 80,
First Floor, Office No. 106, Miramar.
Phone: 24 6938 24 6937
Fax ....: Mr. Melvin Sáenz

Biolley, Consul General


Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark
Dir: Paseo de Martí No .20 fit. 4-C, Ciudad de La Habana
Phone: 33 8128 8144

33 Fax: 33 8127

Gerret Henri Keijser, Honorary Consul


Consulate General of the Dominican Republic
Dir: 5th. Avenue No.6604 e / 66 y 68, Miramar
Phone: 24 3152 3154

24 Fax: 24 3156

Ms. Greece Fior D. Pichardo Polanco,
Consul General.

SPAIN Consulate General of Spain
Dir: Calle Zulueta No.2, esq. to Prison, Havana
Phone: 33 8029 to 30
Fax: 33 8015

Mr. Eduardo de Quesada Fernandez de la Puente, Minister Plenipotentiary and
Consul General

FINLAND Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Finland
Dir: Calle 140 No.2101 and 21A and 23, Cubanacan
Fax: 24 0793

Mr. Richard Melville Bebbington, Honorary Consul

Equatorial Guinea

Consulate of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Dir: Calle 194 no. 1314, 13 and 15, Siboney
Phone: 80 3167

Mr. Pedro Ndong Mituy Nchama, Consul


Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Mali
Dir: Calle 13 no. 507, Apto.1, and D and E, Vedado
Phone: 32 9148

Mr. Edward J. Neira Garcia, Honorary Consul

NORWAY Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Norway
Dir: Calle 34 No.510 and 5ta. and 7mA., Miramar
Phone: 24 0696
Fax: 24 0699

Mrs. Marianne Lidskog (designated), Honorary Consul


Consulate General de la Russian Federation
Dir: Calle 4 No.202 esq. to 7, Vista Alegre, Santiago. of Cuba
Fax: (0226) August 7146 Mr. Pavel Artemievich

Serguiev, Consul General

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Angel Wing Tattoo W/baby Footprint


Well well , charged the camera: o)

These are beautiful flowers re flaquet brought me because yesterday wanted to kill him with a stick. Or whatever. With a stick. Or with a cotton swab. But already, Sonita and zen mode. Because honestly, who has not had the urge to kill with a stick to their respective flaquet? It is a hanging but it is also true that he always gets the bees who get home. Ah, the other night I woke up with a barbaric cuiqui me endurance. In short: o)
Here are some details Leonelo III, namely re crown top, the chain with which fastens the layer, look impressive, and cape. What net?
I do not remember if they had shown this Vampi. This is also called Roberto (I think one of every 12 mon that I called Bob)
This bear does not love me but good
These are the birthday dog \u200b\u200bfriends that I made to Ken
I saw a video cornered RE ( here ta! ) which is a bear that "makes itself." Good animation!
Anyway, I saw that bound the legs in a way that I had not happened. Since that first made a leg, cut the thread, then it is the other leg and connects it to a string, and then bang up leg chain is woven on foot ... in order. Watch the video. The fact is that I get excited about this way and made a couple of friends as well. This lady is Angelina.
And I made a rabbit
And now, enough photo: o)

Kisses again!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Places To Get Dresses

Michael Angelo Batio in Lima

Yes, I know which is the third visit of the virtuous guitarist from Chicago to Peruvian lands but the first time I could go see him, or whether (as some others out there) was finally going to see a two-headed guitar live .

The appointment was in the Japanese Peruvian theater so appealing to the timeliness East arrived at about 5pm and we have a tail that curled around the corner. The wait was a little long (although we're used to the damn lateness of Peruvian rock) but after half an hour might come, at last, by my calculations, about 200 people.
What more can you say about this guitar that came touted as "the world's fastest? Nothing, the type (besides being charismatic recontra) is simply a genius with a guitar in hand. And if I have not seen any human (even you, Yngwie) play as fast as him.
Burn started with Deep Purple and between joke and joke went through 3 original songs (including the famous "No Boundaries") interspersed with very good tribute to Pantera (Dimebag said he had studied the course), Led Zeppelin, Rhandy Rhoads, Metallica and Hendrix. And of course, could not miss his guitar master class with two heads. It was beautifully presented and of those that are not seen every day, much good humor between songs and much virtuosity to play. We could not be happier, definitely post was paid handsomely.

I leave you with a few pictures and a video that I could take that afternoon.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sample Community Service Verification Letter

From what little

your hand If only I can, I

I can sip one second, I

If a touch of the little I can, I want nothing

Because we were born ...

and many fewer are made.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Iron Rich Foods For Pregnant Women

The Sodality of Truth (by José Enrique Escardó)

A month ago, the communicator José Enrique Escardó collected in his blog "The fifth foot of the cat" a series of articles published for over 10 years or so, in which he tells very specifically the abuses that he and other children were subjected during their stay in the Sodality.

Many have not had the fortune to read his articles in 2000, so thank Jose Enrique has decided to republish them.
"In subsequent editions of" The Five Foot Gato "will present a summary of the things that made me pass the priests when I was studying with them. I will tell you how I first put a blade neck, how did I sleep on the stairs, how I hid in the bathroom when my family came to see me, how did I bathe in the winter sea ice in the morning despite being very sick, how I did run giving me of shovels in the legs and more to all my readers indignant. " JEES
With these lines closed his post " Lights on the scandal in the Sodality ", a publication that not only generated curiosity of the media and others, but also generated an unprecedented number of threats from anonymous supporters of the Sodality, threats aimed not only against himself but against his daughter.

All this reminds me of the threats I received in 2009 in my post "open response " (read the comments, some are so ridiculous that make you laugh instead of fear).

Needless to say, I leave here links to articles written by Jose Enrique, do not stop reading.

The Sodality of truth (Part I)
The Sodality of Truth (Part II)
The Sodality of truth (Part III)
Figari: That the Christian God forgive you.

And for good measure, here's a video in which Danae Rivadeneyra Escardó talks with Jose Enrique, Pedro Salinas and James Martin, an anthropologist who specializes in religious studies and closed groups.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pea Sized Lump Above Adam's Apple

Cuba is not like to leave. Sharks fatter

Cuba is not like the leaves, one by one they are decimating the land empty. When you walk its streets full of memories, all of them and worn hanging on clotheslines, I will seek to retain it only for a sip of miracle every step walked in the streets, trails and ponds.
will visit just to sit under a palm tree next to the sun and smell the grass again, once again drink spring water, waking up with the roosters and greet and laugh ... once again.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cruising Hookup Bangor

Jordi Anjauma infiltrates the latest and most controversial Gala OT

direct witness the death of "OT" ... telecinco "bury" the historical reality of music

telecinco Start the engine, the Jekyll and Mr. Vasile Hide channel is hot, condescending for products such as Save me and Big Brother and cruel to Ot, frankly in a world of fighting, morbid, perverse and scripted fights and not so scripted, Ot was failing in those premises, producer (Gestmusic Endemol) wanted to go back to basics, to distance himself from recent editions, for it made changes that have precipitated the goodbye and blow up the table Vasile, Nina providential change by Angel Llacer, this leads to destroying the chat ... still

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pirate Chest Toy Box Plans

All photos of Pique and Shakira together

are in:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Having Chlamydia Twice

Deconstructing "Intimate Enemies" ... What Lies Beneath

War powers: bourgeoisie, commoners and toys created to create animosity.

inconsistent and shocking program last week in intimate enemies, the guest was Leo Ramirez, a former suitor who became known myhyv among other things to record with Eric (yes, the super friend Rafa Mora ) and therefore cause their dismissal, rarely to what he usually does, the program does not retrolalimentó your last visit, a situation that is not alien enemies, and that Trapp, with Antonio Roof or Aida Nizar were able to string together consecutive programs and programs with the aforementioned issues in which varied little argument, this time and my topic casually through (as you know I left after the publication of that day with the track records and without further explanation by the team) will present the program as a settling of accounts between Leo and Tamara, and the truth that began with a bomb ... still

Monday, February 14, 2011

Trek Fx Vs Specialized

The U.S. Coast Guard to stop an average of two Cuban migrants per day, when cast into the sea every year over 1000. The boats have exceeded the imagination of the most experienced special effects for films on science and fiction. Numbering more than 80 thousand Cubans drowned in the Straits of Florida, according to data compiled by historians from exile, with names and surnames have been registered 100 956 thanks to the families of the victims themselves. While some corpses can be seen floating on the water with remarkable teeth of sharks, others are eaten completely in his attempt to flee the Cuban dictatorship on fragile rafts built by craftsmen and in total silence to avoid being arrested and charged only by the suspicion of attempting to leave the country.
Unfortunately, the Cuban immigration problem is not vented to fund within the United Nations. No question once and for all why a lot of our people have fled the country as an option in the absence of rights that need to live and achieve better living conditions.

In every corner of the globe there are large communities of Cubans since 1959, when Fidel Castro took power, more than two million. Miami is home to about seven hundred thousand.
All have not been able to visit his native country. For example, former political prisoners and not approved by different and many reasons, according to criteria of the scheme. In contrast, those who have the opportunity to visit Cuba by permission of the authorities and forced to do so as tourists are forced to pay $ 425 for a passport scheme, the world's most expensive , and 550 for a plane ticket, but the path of travel only minutes.

A few examples illustrate the issue: In Argentina, a passport costs $ 75, in Spain 70 euros, in Venezuela, $ 70, six times less than the Cuban passport, in Canada, 95 Canadian dollars and U.S. $ 75.
The high foreign exchange cost imposed by the government to process documents of 20 000 refugees each year receives the Interests Section of the U.S. Interests Section in Havana, temporary visitors, and obtaining humanitarian visa is issue-also-to a chronic painful.

The island prison may even go so far as to chase the nightmares of those who escaped. The number of Cubans who have recounted nightmares of being in Cuba without any money or the right to leave once they have escaped it is uncountable.
As can keep a dictatorship for so long is a question we all ask, how much longer the power remains an enigma. We

While these questions remain fatter eating sharks dreams, liberties and consciences chaining. May God protect us and free of them!

data from From

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Read Free Letters To Penthouse Online

Talk Alberto Gutierrez, a contributor to "intimate enemies"

Remove plot against Belén Esteban and now called ungrateful and evil person ... What happened?

Today Alberto Gutiérrez has to give and give, to every saint you put a candle and it's not any desire to ask if the contrary, wants to make clear his disappointment with his hitherto protected, Belén Esteban and tries to unmask the San Blas among many other things ...

Alberto Good afternoon, I learned that these little angry, What is that?

R. - A number of things going on lately, more well concerning me and my environment.

things first ... Do you have something to do with Belén Esteban?

R. - If one of the things that have left me freaking out, it looks like is when people see things and see that my colleagues warned me that Bethlehem was a lot of Bethlehem.

Which is what made you change your way of looking at Belén Esteban? ... still

R. - Bethlehem Well apart from being an ungrateful is a bad person after what I did for her and Fran is getting shit from me and tried to veto, what this woman is very strong, this would take all the merit it and save me, in fact sold to the audience as well.

What exactly do you mean with that is ungrateful?

R. - That in view of the people were very grateful and putting green behind, in fact has told his companions that will not go Save me when she and passing me, but this gives me the same and that for my Belén Esteban gradually finds herself so much that messes with Beatriz Trapp and a person gets a thousand kicks, no wonder you do not swallow the Belfry, I defended Bethlehem tooth and Intimate Enemies sword that was my opinion and nobody manipulated as she says, by the earpiece I've never said anything that I do not want to say, sometimes the pot is going to Bethlehem, as one day Cristina Fernandez said that told him! ! A to Bethlehem! That is crazy ...

Who warned you to be careful with Belén Esteban?

R. - For me Cristina Fernández Bethlehem said it did not put a good face Toño Sanchez then told me not to do if Bethlehem and Bethlehem was grateful when I see it Tele5 I said thank you very much and had no problem in having a coffee with me ... ! False is more false! Then they will say things to your face, do not have the cojones to me that says you have to fall heads in shame, after what she did for FREE, because recordings are not charging a penny and Save me removed them in without authorization and manipulated as required and I'm street but there comes a moment that you petas cool.

Belén Esteban Besides, who else are angry?

R. - As a former suitor MYHYV program.

Of name ...

R. - Arantxa Bermúdez, was the program to get fuck with Ruben and Daniel Rubén Artesero and I do not know but if Daniel and all he says is a lie, this guy or stolen, nor bad person as opposed to the people I've known him and Chema TV 5 Ortiz is a great person, and I for them if they give the face and matoooooooo, and I have proof that Daniel is lying, I have messages to prove it, he is threatened and there have not happened.

Who has threatened to Daniel and they say these messages?

A. - Well, he has threatened the friend who was in the bolus and the house in Logan with Arantxa messages tell the watch that was left not see him again and that if returned to program putearlo and go to make life impossible, this is crazy Ana, But to believe these Tele5 queens? and more things that if they touch their noses and will remain so they are for a LIE, Ruben is clear you had a prime.

Do you think that Reuben was the result of a plot against him out of the throne?

A. - Yes, clearly, with what I've seen if it was a conspiracy, who really in that program has gone legal and I know and put my hands in the fire than is Chema Daniel Ortiz this if you deserve the throne and from there ask for a ride that is not for fame, love and feelings go.

Is it normal that the clubs you can put substances in the cups?

R. - For it is not normal, I go and I've been in a thousand parties and I've never had this, the fact is that someone wants to do something, but it is a crime so take note.

"Well someone else with whom you are angry?

R. - With the people insulting GH Chari, but in what country we live Ana, this woman apart from being good people have not done anything for the crucified, please ...!! Chari Up! You're a charm and you do not have to be ashamed of anything.

Speaking of big brothers, how is your relationship with Aida Nizar?

R. - Aida Nizar to see if it disappears it's the worst that there is a sewer rat who lies more than talk, walk that he comes up with this ... Aida "ring a bell in crooked Sell yourself?

Aida not but I do not sound at all ... What's that Sell yourself?

R. - A place where she was a member and complained about things that made members. I'll take it! Will soon be in court with his former partners and Sonia Arenas, but every pig she gets her San Martin, the truth will reach everywhere and everything is going Ana, crucified to me but there has been, I get along well with fellow Intimate Enemies.

Why we have not seen him in Intimate Enemies?

R. - I have but they are spontaneous collaborations, I am of each week, but soon I will see in other projects and maybe even on an island, but I'm still intimate enemy collaborator.

What do you think all that amount between Leo and Tamara?

A. - Well, it makes no sense, if Tamara and said if he starts slaughtering the end, we finished off and what Leo was saying was published to your blog Ana, take it out of your post, Leo has screwed up twice to go without proof, I acknowledge that Tamara is in love with Garay.

Alberto Well nice talking to you, this space is for you ...

R. - Thank you Anne and all who support this blog is the best and what they say is always true, unlike others that are copied to you and said that Chari is good aunt and Arantxa Alarcón wish him well on his throne and lead you to Chema already tronista you deserve to be there, Dani not worry about anything that truth goes everywhere that you are a cracks and Ruben! Animo champion! And you will soon see me making war on you and Arantxa Intimate Enemies Bermúdez if we want justice GOOD LAW.

Kisses to all and many thanks for your support.