Text is part of Chapter XII of the Essential Guide for writing in English , forthcoming at Editorial Planeta Mexicana.
Semicolon 1: Coordination by juxtaposition
saw in Chapter VIII how to coordinate two independent clauses by juxtaposition . It was noted there that the most common way to do that is placed between these independent clauses with a semicolon. At this time we mean the power of this sign: For practical purposes, is the grammatical equivalent point and followed. Therefore, the semicolon is far from "the midpoint between the point and eat." Is-almost always-much closer to the point that the comma. [1] What differentiates the semicolon [;] point [. ] Is not just grammar but ideological. By juxtaposing two independent clauses with a semicolon, we send a signal to the reader: Eye! The two sentences joined by a semicolon are between an even closer relationship than others who are in this paragraph . We must remember that all propositions that are included in a paragraph revolve around a main idea, all bear some relationship to each other. But when we use a semicolon, as in the previous proposition to it, tells the reader that the sentence relates juxtaposed with the first of even more intimate. We could put one of the points and followed, but with the semicolon establish the independence of grammatical two sentences, so it does not lead to confusions that arise with enjambment, and at the same time express the closeness of its meaning. Look again at two examples that come to Chapter VIII. Verbs of each independent clause in italics:
Interior Minister has certain privileges within the cabinet ; not required special permission to see the President.
technology is part of human idiosyncrasy ; distinguish us other animals precisely because of our desire to create new tools, more and more useful.
can also coordinate with a semicolon, proposals that include subordinate clauses. The important thing is that both propositions are complete . This means they must have all necessary syntactic elements. First, from these two examples, see the proper use of semicolons between statements that include subordinate clauses. Verbs of subordinate clauses are underlined:
Interior Minister has certain privileges within the cabinet, as coordinates the essential elements of the government's political line ; not required special permission to see the President, although other Secretaries of State, not enjoy this privilege , can feel jealous.
Technology, not is only electronic issues, part of human idiosyncrasy; distinguish ourselves from other animals precisely by our desire to create new tools, more and more useful, not only do we They help in our work but also stimulate our brains to follow innovate.
Semicolon 2: Ellipsis
Chapter X saw how it is used in conjunction, a comma and semicolon in cases ellipses or silent verb . Consider a couple of examples to refresh our memory:
Government Chief appoint a commission, the commission, a manager, the manager, a representative, the representative, an employee.
Coffee is grown in tropical highlands, wheat, in temperate plains, the marijuana, which required the huge U.S. market.
In short, these prayers in series that share the same verb. This is only written the first time in the proposition. After type a comma instead of the verb elided or deleted . The role of this semicolon is to separate the sentences serials. If they do not share the same verb, we would use a simple point, but how we use comma instead of silent verbs, commas should original move up in : becoming a semicolon.
Today in the reality of everyday language increasingly respected this combination comma and semicolon, even among well-known writers. In part because many people have decided, quite simply, do not use the semicolon for any reason, either because they are afraid, they know not to use it or because someone has said is a sign old .
First, we should not be afraid: you just have to learn when and how to use it. That, among other tasks, is precisely what we are doing in this book. The semicolon is a very useful sign. And out of date, the semicolon has nothing. On the contrary, is of great refinement. Just think back to the subtlety of using a semicolon instead of simple point. Yes there is a significant ideological difference between these two signs as separate independent clauses. [2]
Furthermore, in all the cases I have seen where the authors do not respect this combination in cases of ellipsis, the meaning would have been much more clear if they had respected and would not have incurred major complications. Three examples of real life. In each the author chose to use the and last sentence before the serial. Recall that the combination [and] is the grammatical equivalent of [;]:
L variable to literature and poetry is eternal. ( La Jornada )
[...] today it is possible to articulate an alliance for the salvation of mankind in an unprecedented scale, which stage of political struggle and their weapons would be the universal humanist ideas [...] ( Idem )
"My dear, the rivers carry stones and words pregnancies. (Unidentified clipping)
literature is variable, and poetry, eternal.
[...] today it is possible to articulate an alliance for the salvation of humanity an unprecedented scale, which would control the political scene, and their weapons, universal humanist ideas [...]
"My dear, the rivers carry stones, and words pregnancies.
with a semicolon instead of [and]
varies literature, poetry, eternal.
[...] today it is possible to articulate an alliance for the salvation of mankind in an unprecedented scale, which would control the political stage, his arms, universal humanist ideas [...]
"My dear, the rivers carry stones words pregnancies.
In each example, the meaning becomes clearer if we use any of the last two options: the combination [and] or semicolons. In the third case, pregnancies apposition not words : words are not pregnant, "words pregnancies." words drag pregnancies. This is evidenced by the correct punctuation.
The first two examples use the verb be , which is copular. This further complicates the situation; without the comma between poetry and eternal , it seems that eternal is adjective of poetry : poetry eternal . But the adjective is, in fact, attribute poetry. [3] literature is variable , and poetry is eternal . We are not talking about eternal poetry but the poetry, [literary form] is eternal. There is a difference! And this difference is lost if not punctuate properly.
The second case, which also uses the copula be , presents a similar but not identical circumstances. What follows the verb deleted, rather than an adjective, a noun phrase: universal humanist ideas . In other words, "their arms" are "universal humanist ideas, or vice versa: "Universal humanist ideas" are "their weapons." Prayers of this kind are called predicate , because the subject may be the predicate and the predicate may be the subject, as in these examples as common as "John is my brother. / My brother is Juan "and" This flight is an example of four-voice counterpoint. / An example of counterpoint to four voices is this flight. "
By not using correct punctuation, the author of this second example takes the reader to great confusion: it seems that weapons is serialized with political , which is impossible because political is an adjective, not noun as weapons , then do not immediately see the relationship between weapons and universal humanist ideas . It is necessary that the reader reread the proposal in order to interpret correctly. Why force the reader to do the job that belongs only to the writer, editor?
And finally to refute those who did not agree with the semicolon, saying it old , this sign is much younger than the comma, used since the thirteenth century, in the form of suspension vírgula [/], in XVI was lowered to the bottom of the line and assumed his current curve, smaller. The semicolon, on the other hand, was invented by Italian printer Aldus Manutius in the late fifteenth century or early XVI. From there he moved to England around 1560, and then spread to the rest of Europe. Thus we see that the semicolon is about 300 years younger than the coma. A young, in comparison!
[1] could be argued that the semicolon is "the midpoint between the point and the comma" precisely in the cases of ellipses and serial sentences that include clauses, as these would normally be eating becomes a semicolon, but technically could be a point and continued: "This book teaches writing. One, math. " (Ellipsis) O: "Staff worked until eight, by choice. They left at 20:15 hours, as it started to rain yet. Took a bus at 20:30, since there were no taxis. " (These are sentences that could be serial, with clauses, here, thanks to the points, not series). As originally had been coma may end up being point (when you decide not to serialize the sentences but make them independent, as in the example above), it could be argued, in effect, that we use a semicolon to separate phrases or sentences serial is a "middle ground" between the period and the comma. But we must be careful because it can only be understood well in these cases, which are the least against the juxtapositions of sentences that are neither serious nor cases of ellipsis. In other words, as the definition does not work the refrain that "the semicolon is the midpoint between the point and eat."
[2] As we saw in "Semicolon 1", these independent clauses may be accompanied by subordinate clauses.
[3] Some grammarians call the predicate attribute, but it is the same.
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