The first paragraph of this article on Florence Cassez French citizen, convicted of various crimes, has two grammatical errors that will be worth studying. (Abel Barajas, "Play Cassez last letter," Reform , August 30, 2010, "National", p.1). Errors are marked in red:
Cassez Florence is now plays his last card against the sentence of 60 years imprisonment imposed by a federal court you found guilty of three kidnappings, as well as transnational organized crimes and possession of firearms.
Consider first what happens with that him. It is assumed that is indirect object pronoun, also called dative complement - both for people as things of either sex. But it is not the example that concerns us today. Here are some examples of the dative singular pronoun him: "The Hospital of the Word you say the thanks." "Le sent my strongest protest to the school principal." "Investigators will not found no evidence incriminating the accused or his clothes or in their belongings."
In these three cases, the dative pronoun it represents the indirect object. Grammatically, the indirect object is the one who benefits or is harmed by the action of the verb. In the first example, the Hospital of the Word ( add indirect) benefits because someone thanked him (thank is the complement direct ) , the second, the director ( complement indirect ) was injured for the shipment was made of a strong protest ( my strongest protest is the complement direct ) in the third, the suspect ( complement indirect ) was auscultated not you find anything incriminating ( no evidence incriminating the complement direct ). We can say that the suspect suffered a move that was, ultimately, beneficial, because it not found anything wrong.
In the example of the newspaper Reforma , the pronoun you dative but should not be charged because their function is not is the indirect but direct: "[...] imposed by a federal court the found guilty." Florence Cassez was found culprit: the found guilty . Not that you have found nothing special about you, but she was found guilty. Incidentally, you and its plural they are invariant with respect to gender. But what is masculine the , female, and each has its plural: the and the .
The other error is curious. Not seen in the photo, but the headline of the newspaper raised the word correctly: the headboard wrote: "Play Cassez [his] last letter." (Let me clarify that I would have liked to have included the possessive adjective his , as this would have gained in clarity, expressiveness and precision). In the body of the note, however, we read "Florence Cassez is now plays his last card. " (Here we should note that Mr. Barajas did employ the possessive adjective his , although the verb is incorrect).
is a curious error also because it exists pronominal verb played. Means "risk" or "adventure", as in "Florence Cassez life was played when he became engaged to a kidnapper." It is clear that the emotional relationship with the abductor to be her boyfriend, risked his life, or at least freedom. But the meaning of the article is another: to say that plays his last card, you are "using" the action that still remains: is playing his last card. Not risking his last letter but, simply, is playing . What is played -what is at risk, is his freedom and the possibility of returning home.
Cassez "should play that card? In the wisdom of that strategy is being played the rest of his life. And to put it another way, it is playing .