Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Length And Width Of Sail Boat

Department of pronouns: Play your cards but do not play

The first paragraph of this article on Florence Cassez French citizen, convicted of various crimes, has two grammatical errors that will be worth studying. (Abel Barajas, "Play Cassez last letter," Reform , August 30, 2010, "National", p.1). Errors are marked in red:

Cassez Florence is now plays his last card against the sentence of 60 years imprisonment imposed by a federal court you found guilty of three kidnappings, as well as transnational organized crimes and possession of firearms.

Consider first what happens with that him. It is assumed that is indirect object pronoun, also called dative complement - both for people as things of either sex. But it is not the example that concerns us today. Here are some examples of the dative singular pronoun him: "The Hospital of the Word you say the thanks." "Le sent my strongest protest to the school principal." "Investigators will not found no evidence incriminating the accused or his clothes or in their belongings."

In these three cases, the dative pronoun it represents the indirect object. Grammatically, the indirect object is the one who benefits or is harmed by the action of the verb. In the first example, the Hospital of the Word ( add indirect) benefits because someone thanked him (thank is the complement direct ) , the second, the director ( complement indirect ) was injured for the shipment was made of a strong protest ( my strongest protest is the complement direct ) in the third, the suspect ( complement indirect ) was auscultated not you find anything incriminating ( no evidence incriminating the complement direct ). We can say that the suspect suffered a move that was, ultimately, beneficial, because it not found anything wrong.

In the example of the newspaper Reforma , the pronoun you dative but should not be charged because their function is not is the indirect but direct: "[...] imposed by a federal court the found guilty." Florence Cassez was found culprit: the found guilty . Not that you have found nothing special about you, but she was found guilty. Incidentally, you and its plural they are invariant with respect to gender. But what is masculine the , female, and each has its plural: the and the .

The other error is curious. Not seen in the photo, but the headline of the newspaper raised the word correctly: the headboard wrote: "Play Cassez [his] last letter." (Let me clarify that I would have liked to have included the possessive adjective his , as this would have gained in clarity, expressiveness and precision). In the body of the note, however, we read "Florence Cassez is now plays his last card. " (Here we should note that Mr. Barajas did employ the possessive adjective his , although the verb is incorrect).

is a curious error also because it exists pronominal verb played. Means "risk" or "adventure", as in "Florence Cassez life was played when he became engaged to a kidnapper." It is clear that the emotional relationship with the abductor to be her boyfriend, risked his life, or at least freedom. But the meaning of the article is another: to say that plays his last card, you are "using" the action that still remains: is playing his last card. Not risking his last letter but, simply, is playing . What is played -what is at risk, is his freedom and the possibility of returning home.

Cassez "should play that card? In the wisdom of that strategy is being played the rest of his life. And to put it another way, it is playing .

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Microsoft Wireless Optical Mouse Blue Ce0560

life Gerunds Department: With names such information or communication

a week ago, a careful reader of this blog, Paul Coltrin, sent me an email with a number of examples of gerunds well used as the New grammar of English recently published by the Association of English Language Academies and ESPASA editorial. Wondered if it was only recently permitted uses, if Academies were liberalized or if he had interpreted evil rules. Input, all examples I quoted Mr. Coltrin me except one seemed correct. I will quote another of the same class, also in this section of the New grammar ... (27.7g) because it is shorter, "Demosthenes, my foreman, a letter carrier explaining the situation. " [Esteban Navajas, The agony of the deceased (1977). Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Economica / Documentation Centre Theatre, CREA, 1992]. Indeed! I had always regarded this as improper use of the gerund. And not just me! Here's why.

We know that we should not give value gerund adjective, unless it is to modify the direct object of a verb of perception: "I saw my brother getting the envelope", "I heard the dogs barking during all night. " In this case the verb, portal , but perception is not an ordinary transitive verb as break or choose . The direct object is letter . The phrase explaining the situation , clearly modifies the direct object: letter . Is this a liberalization? A case in which the Academies end up accepting a well-spread use but not seen as right before?

I must say that I, Sandro Cohen, I'm not a grammarian. I've never made a systematic study English grammar or otherwise. I have read, yes, many grammars and consulted almost daily. I do it for fun and also to better my writing classes. One, if a subject taught as Writing, you must have knowledge of the facts, but the grammar itself is not my area of \u200b\u200bexpertise. I'm just a writer! And as such, language fascinates me. Learn to write well beyond mere questions of grammar, and grammar exceeds by far mere drafting points. Twin disciplines but are very different! This is a gerund use that to my knowledge, not previously formed part of what we understood as purism .

's explanation the New Grammar ... unless the point is incomprehensible to many readers. The will copy not leave ... But I can not get discouraged if you do not understand!


constitutes a third group of nouns that support gerunds nominal predicate constructions in a number of NAMES OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION introduced which complements the content that is transmitted: letter, statement, e (e), decree , message, memo, news, cable, etc.. , as castaway's letter asking for help never reached its destination .

In other words, according to New grammar ... now support sentences like "I wrote a letter asking my opinion ", " was issued a decree banning the misuse of the gerund. " Manuel Seco, where Essential grammar of English (4 th ed., 1996) only provides for accepting this use of the gerund when it comes to people: "There was a boy selling postcards ", and argues that it is understood" a guy selling postcards " (9.1.9) . I have always accepted that use, and with the same argument Seco, but the great grammarian who fails a gerund used as well in relation to "name thing" as "a letter ( for help ) "or" a decree ( prohibiting the misuse gerund) " . States that it is preferable to use the form on "a letter asking help", " a decree prohibiting the misuse of the gerund." For those who had considered erroneous constructions of this kind, we can only go through with and move ahead.

But what happens in the photograph that appears at the top of this post? This is an ad that tells us (still can not get used to say "[...] an ad report ") where invoices are issued for parking at the Airport Benito Juarez of Mexico City. (The girl next to the listing is my daughter Leonora, doing screen, trying to distract the police stop me from seeking out this photo) .

As one of the most common uses of the gerund is Modal , we understand the action of the gerund as if it were an adverb: it tells us how action is performed the main verb. For example, if I say "The boy raised his hand threatening his master", I how raised his hand threatening the teacher. But in the photograph read "The issuance of the bills are held down ramp 1B level [...]." The question is: "How are bills issued?". Answer: " down the ramp." Can I issue invoices down the ramp or while you go down the ramp ? It would be dangerous. In addition, the person issuing them must be sitting in an office, not down the ramp .

celebrate the But we have an error unless corrected. But watch out! It is still wrong to say or write "a box containing books", or "the person coming first." This is not names information and communication . By the way: Is not there a smarter way to name this use of the gerund? It opens from now, the suggestion box!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How To Make Your Stomach Expand

Department Every Man Who Want: A horse that smile and want to study Graphic Design

Horses, like dogs, animals can be very noble. This is shown clearly in the article today calls attention (Ricardo Rivera, "horses to help women" Reform , "Justice", August 13, 2010, p. 6). In its wording, Article has-as far as I can see, only 15 errors, which is gain compared to others we've seen. Of these, only four are related to the use of uppercase and lowercase. Seven are in the area of \u200b\u200bpunctuation, and four touch the wrong words, missing or surplus. The positive thing that involves fixed in this way in an article is that it gives us an overview of the importance of clarity in every way. Therefore spelling and syntax and punctuation give or take away this clearly.

Let us first regard to case. At the end of the third paragraph, columnist wrote police capitalized when it is a generic noun, not the proper name of the case law enforcement agencies. Later, however, highlighted with green stripes, see the spelling, and capitalization, P and M of RCMP . Here it is the proper name, or part of the proper name for surely the officer is longer.

In the sixth paragraph, the name of the race, D esign G IGURE is written lowercase. But the names of academic careers, in addition to scientific and humanistic disciplines should be capitalized: "Study G TENS college," but "The g ENETICS has to do with the genesis or origin of things. " Finally, syndrome D own, the disease usually causes mental retardation in humans, by a condition g ENETICS , carry capital in d of Down .

toll now see the wrong words, missing or surplus. In the first paragraph states "[...] and the desire by finish a degree." The prepositions of Castilian dicta have (or give) want of "no" by ". Should have said "[...] and the desire of complete a degree."

In the fifth paragraph read: "[...] and was connected to a tube to eat and thank God and it can feed off her moves his limbs," he said. Simply makes no sense because they lack words. After the word it should appear single or same : "[...] can eat it single [...] "or" [...] can eat it same [...]. " In the seventh paragraph, read "[...] from year 2003. " Although technically there is nothing wrong with writing or saying "since 2003, it is clear that this is a year, and for this we must remove these two words and write" since 2003. " In journalism, even more than in other forms of writing, it should be written as concisely as possible. Even in other -essays, letters, scholarly, official, commercial or business-, conciseness is an unquestionable value.

Finally get to see questions marks. In the first paragraph have the same problem however we saw on 19 November last year in " However it scores . " We read "The Fall of a third floor caused Silvia Castillo Reza remain virtually immobile , however, using the equine, has gradually regained control of his body and the desire to [ sic ] complete a degree. " This however is not a simple clause in one sentence, we used as the score suggests. Is between two sentences and only belongs to the latter. So, he had written with a semicolon [;] before without But : "The fall of a third floor caused Silvia Castillo Reza remain virtually immobile , but using equine therapy gradually has resumed body control and the desire to finish a degree. "

In the fourth paragraph, between Iztapalapa and where , had written a comma because subordinate clause circumstantial place "where Silvia has been shown to improve [...]" is explanatory, gives additional information. Does not specify how Iztapalapa is talking about: there is only one. In the fifth paragraph, after eat , there must be a comma, because what follows is not serialized with the foregoing. The and introduced here a new idea: "When I arrived here I could not move his legs or his arms and was connected to a probe to eat and thank God and took it away [...]. "

In the fifth paragraph, between removed and can must have something it can not be so. As is enjambment is a . As you quote, I assume that the respondent said nothing there, but that does not absolve the writer to use the correct punctuation. He could have used a semicolon [;] or point and followed [.] . No one talks to score! It is the duty of those who drafted using the appropriate signs.

The three remaining errors create a really confusing reading. As we understand the sixth paragraph, it appears that the horse, called Dangerous, brings a smile to the face and said "that his next goal is to return to school to study graphic design career "

Silvia Castillo rode a horse yesterday Creole Dangerous eight years old and with a smile on his face said his next goal is back to school to study graphic design career.

This seems commendable but I doubt that the journalist had wanted to convey this idea. sounds Mr. Ed , a television series of the 60 gringa . Clearly, lack punctuation, but as you say, is the meaning. Even with the comma after the name itself dangerous, it could understand what gringa Series: "Silvia Castillo Dangerous yesterday mounted a horse Creole eight years old and with a smile on face. " It would seem that the subject of said is but the horse, not Mrs. Castillo.

To avoid excessive entanglement , put the correct punctuation:

Silvia Castillo rode yesterday Dangerous Crossbred mare eight years old and with a smile on his face said his next goal is to return to school to study graphic design career.

could enter a comma after face but it would be discretionary. Thus, it might also not be used in this case. But yes, it would clarify the subject of the verb said . This would avoid any possibility of confusion:

Silvia Castillo rode yesterday Dangerous Crossbred mare eight years of old and with a smile on his face the young said his next goal is back to school to study graphic design career.

should also ask where else could be located that smile. Can you smile with their feet, arms or belly? As only smile to the face, the phrase "and with a smile on your face" is pleonastic. In short, the goal of all good writing is precision, conciseness and clarity. And if the horses studied Graphic Design, I'm sure opinarían same.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sucking Nipple With Canker Sore

Department of Score: Two points to suggest a consequence, announcing a conclusion or to explain

the sign known as the colon [:] has a total of five uses. Today we see only one, but it is powerful: it is two points we use to suggest a consequence, announcing a conclusion or explanation.

To enter in, once again I have asked Javier Hernandez, Chicharito , to give us a hand, or in this case- sided . As shown in the picture that went round the world, our dear Chicharito got yesterday his first official goal for Manchester United, but he did his face. According staff [1] of Reform , "Hernandez hit the ball bounced on the face, [ sic by comma after face prayers because it is serial] and went to the net for the 2-0 part [...]. " ("Show your face!", August 9, 2010, sports supplement Court , p. 14).

the beginning of the note read the proposition that interests us: "When a striker the brings, no matter if you are wrong, in any record." In fact, what we have here is a classic enjambment . To find out why, one need only examine the grammatical proposition. Four sentences in total. The verbs are in italics and green:

  1. When a scorer the brings it
  2. not matter
  3. if is wrong
  4. anyway record

will see that there are two independent clauses, the 2 and 4. As we have learned along entries Painless Writing, the blog ... not allowed in a single proposition to put two sentences if among them there is no grammatical relation, whether of coordination or subordination. The first sentence is subject to the second, which is its subordinating. No. 3, "if is wrong " is only apparently a subordinate clause conditional circumstantial. It is actually the subject of "no matter " prayer 2. It's like saying: " That mistake no matter ." (In blue appears the subject, which is a subordinate clause subject, and Fuchsia appears predicate).

In other words, the subordinate clause "if wrong" action performed no matter . We could change "if he's wrong" with "that" or "Pedro" and would become clear that "if wrong" behaves as a subject: " That not matter" . " Pedro not matter. " " If wrong not matter." Thus, the relationship between "if wrong" and "no matter" is that which exists between any subject and verb (predicate nucleus).

The last sentence, the 4, not subordinated to or coordinated with any other, but should . This is of prayer announcing the conclusion of what arises in the first three . To put it soon, it is an independent clause must be coordinated with the other independent. The only alternative would be subordinate to the Independent. But how?

First see the option to subordinate. It's actually very simple:

When the scorer brings, no matter if you are wrong because record anyway.

is now clear that the last sentence explains the first three, says why never mind the fact that a scoring mistake when brings. No matter because record anyway .

But there is another way to announce this explanation, this conclusion: the sign is known as "the colon [:].

When the scorer brings, no matter if you are wrong : any a score.

This is called coordination juxtaposition , as we saw only 3 August, only that there study this concept in terms of the semicolon [; ], but also applies to the colon.

In summary, to conclude today's post, we say that we can use the colon before an independent clause to suggest a consequence, announcing a conclusion or explanation. This sign coordinates the two sentences by juxtaposition . To put it another way, the two points used in this way can acquire the meaning of the word because , and this gives them a great power. Also why we should not abuse them. If sobreexplotáramos, this use of the colon loses its effectiveness.

In the prayer regards Chicharito , then, was a classic enjambment, as we said at first. There was no grammatical relation between sentences 2 and 4, independent. We, prepend the colon to the sentence 4, the coordinate with "no matter if he's wrong." The juxtaposed , explaining why no matter what a scorer mistake: because record anyway . Or, to put it another way: to bad weather, Chicharito , good face! And ... Goal!

[1] A newspaper in Castilian think would have signed "The wording" instead of staff, word which in English refers to the human resources of an enterprise, institution or organization.

Friday, August 6, 2010

What A Dying Wart Looks Like

Department Score: Everything you wanted to know about the semicolon (2 nd and last)

Last Tuesday we started to see the uses of the semicolon. Today we will finish. Hopefully this information, taken from Chapter XII of the essential guide for writing in English - forthcoming at Editorial Planeta-be useful for those visiting this blog.

learned in Chapter X it is necessary to use commas to separate items in series, which can be words of the same class (nouns, adjectives, adverbs or prepositions, in the case following are nouns): "I need to buy meat , vegetables , milk , bread , dessert " phrases of the same nature (in this case, substantive) "We must focus on performing loans , customers at risk of losing their jobs , unpayable mortgages " combinations of words and phrases of the same nature (in this case also, substantive): "The bank provides services loan , investment Fixed term , savings , insurance of any kind "sentences in series:" The murderer is came the door , up his rifle , focused his victim and pulled trigger . "

Now if we were to include any incidental information within these series, should move up in commas, as we did in the cases of ellipses: they must become with a semicolon. Would use commas to indicate which item belongs to which element of the series:

need to buy meat , other than pork; vegetables , to boil in water bath; milk , but only lactose-free; bread , if not white; dessert .

We must focus on performing loans , which has always been a concern; customers at risk of losing their jobs because it will no longer pay its debts; unpayable mortgages due to sink the whole financial system.

Banking offers services loan , especially the rich fixed term investment , those who are not required to live a day savings , who does not supply all his salary on food and housing; insurance of any kind , but only those who really do not need.

The murderer, with an incredible secret, came the door ; up his rifle , without anyone noticing the movement, in cold blood focused his victim and, without thinking twice , pulled trigger .

The following example comes from a text on the children of German soldiers and French women during the Second World War:

In the east, Alsace-Moselle was annexed by the Third Reich, near the border with Belgium, Nord Pas-de-Calais was under German control from Brussels, in the Alps, very small territories were annexed by Italy. [1]

is also common to use the semicolon when it comes to lists of officials whose names are accompanied by their titles, or any analogous situation apposition:

A conference attended by Emiliano Palacios, director of marketing; Ulalume Garrido Pérez, Deputy Director of Research, Marciano Lowenthal, Managing Director of Finance.

The tour will include visits to places of birth of Ludwig Van Beethoven, the genius of Bonn, Johann Sebastian Bach, King of the musicians, Frederic Chopin, the poet of the keyboard, Mozart, classic par excellence, and Salieri, the alleged murderer of Mozart. [2]

The semicolon: a common mistake

Some writers misuse the semicolon. In general, this error happens before a sentence is subordinate to another principal, as in the following cases:

1. road accidents in France are increasing, although it had taken action.

2. A section of the Belgian population wish to become French, which could threaten the political unity of Belgium.

3. If we compare the French of Quebec with that of The Hexagon; [3] might seem archaic.

We recorded this rule: no punctuation other than a comma can separate the main clause of its subordinate . In the first instance, could be a comma after the word increase . This would give as incidental (not essential) to the concessive subordinate circumstance as follows:

road accidents in France are increasing, although it had taken action.

Without the comma, the information contained in the subordinate clause is understood as essential:

road accidents in France are on the increase although they had taken action.

In examples 2 and 3, the comma is absolutely necessary. In the second comma is needed because the subordinate clause that follows is, in short, incidental, under connector which , which always introduces sentences adjectival subordinate explanatory, as we saw in Chapter IX.

A section of the Belgian population wish to become French, which could threaten the political unity of Belgium.

If we keep the semi-colon, would have to convert the subject in a sentence grammatically independent coordinated by juxtaposition with the previous :

A section of the Belgian population wish to become French, it could threaten the political unity of Belgium.

coma can only be used in Example 3, since the proposition starts with a subordinate clause conditional circumstance, as we saw in Chapter XI, under the section "There is no discretion case 2. "

If we compare the French of Quebec with that of the hexagon, it might seem archaic. But :

might seem archaic French in Quebec if we compare with that of the hexagon.

[1] Fabrice Virgili, "Enfants de Boches: the War Children of France" in The Children of World War II . The Hidden Enemy Legacy , Kjersti Ericsson and Eva Simonsen (eds.), New York, Berg, 2005. p. 138.

[2] Alexander Pushkin to write his brief two-scene play Mozart and Salieri took the legend of the Italian composer Antonio Salieri, resident in Vienna, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart poisoned . There is no evidence that this is true, but it has become a myth and has earned a solid place in the pantheon of the lies that "everybody" believes, as that of Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake" when informed him that the people had no bread. And that surely lie hastened to the French Revolution.

[3] Often, the French refer to their country as "L'Hexagone" for its geometric shape (a hexagon). There are 22 regions in this Métropolitaine France (metropolitan France) and four régions d'outre-mer (overseas regions). Corsica, a "territorial collectivity", in spite of not being within L'Hexagone - is one of the 22 regions in metropolitan France.