certain verbs can be transitive, intransitive and pronominal. In other words, sometimes supplements may have direct and indirect, while others do not. If they can use pronouns pronoun me , you , is , us , you ... But you have to look good in the dictionary because there is, for example, use a transitive verb and pronoun saw in the previous entry where we treat the problem caused by writing "[...] is plays his last letter "instead of" [...] plays his last letter. " In that Florence Cassez was played the rest of his life. Dump is one of these verbs, and may cause difficulties even in the best families.
the problem is stated in the header to see the beginning of this entry: " It turns in Peripheral with their children" ( Reform , August 30, 2010, "Justice", p. 8). The correct wording would have been " Dumps in Peripheral with their children." The question to which we must answer is why should not include the pronoun is ...
To answer, we must look in the dictionary (DRAE):
(Del lat. * Volvic , de volvere ).
1. tr. twisting or tilting something partly or wholly, so that fall, usually by outputting their content. overturned cup. U. prnl tc. tripped and rolled over the cup.
2. tr. Pour giving something back to its container. overturned the soup into the tureen. U. t. on sat. Fig. A letter turns his feelings.
3. tr. Skip fully the information contained in one medium to another. overturned the data in the general index.
4. intr. put an object, especially of a vehicle to be invested or Lean to one side. The truck overturned on the curve.
5. intr. prnl. said of one: Leaning over-or pounce on something or someone. The child turned on the table to reach the salt shaker.
6. intr. prnl. said of one: Bring in favor of another or a purpose all it can, even exceeded. was overturned WITH us when we went to visit her.
The first three definitions are transitive. Employee and the verb dump need a direct object that rests its action: "Hermenegildo turned his cup." We see this in the first sense. But right there explains DRAE can also be used as a verb pronoun (that means the abbreviation "utcprnl"). "Hermenegildo stumbled and cup turned ." Apparently, this would give us license to say " It turns in Peripheral with their children, but not ... Patience! We'll see why.
transitive In the second sense dump is synonymous pour , and not concern us here. Nor are we interested in the third transitive because it means "Go in full the information contained in one medium to another." The fourth meaning, the first intransitive is good, " put an object, especially of a vehicle to be invested or Lean to one side. The truck overturned on the curve " . Here the verb has no direct object can have because it is the use Intransitive . Nor should the pronoun used is . Nobody is turning nothing , nothing turns . The truck overturned alone. So the headline should read: " Dumps in Peripheral with their children. " It is understood that this is a car, especially for the picture we see here that appeared in print over the header.
The last two meanings, both pronominal, have a different meaning altogether, as can be seen in the examples that the DRAE offers.
In summary, some verbs are really problematic. To learn how to use them properly, we must learn to read and interpret the dictionary. Abbreviations Do not jump! Hold the secret of how to use verbs. Ignoring, as usual, can save us the trouble to reflect on these issues morphological, but will not help us write better.
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