Friday, July 30, 2010

Camel Toe Female Sports

rating: The ellipsis well punctuated

not every day we cast the bells ringing, but today is one of those days: newspaper Reforma -known nationally and internationally for putting their business interests to those of good journalism and the proper use of the Castilian language- has published a front-page headline that has two merits ( Reform , July 26, 2010). First, the owner does not start with a verb, a practice that is often thin the syntax and often unintelligible message back. Second, it raises a verbal ellipsis perfectly punctuated, not only weird thing in Reform but also in many other newspapers.

The headline reads: "By day are guilty, and at night, thugs." When we talk about verbal ellipsis , we mean the removal of a verb. So it is also called silent verb . A simple example of verbal ellipsis would be: "Yo, happy." Here should understand "I am happy" or "I'm happy." But it also occurs in more complex sentences such as this header. In fact, we have two serial sentences that share the same verb:

the day are inmates at night are killers.

serial rule tells us to put a comma (or conjunction) between any sentences in series. But to elide, or eliminate, the second verb for reasons of style, comes into play other rule: that of the ellipse. This tells us that we must put a comma instead of the verb elided, which would leave us with a confusing score:

the day are prisoners, of night killers.

What made newspaper Reforma -what they should do all the newspapers and all the editors in general when dealing with cases of ellipsis sentences serial-up category was the original point of the series became semicolon [;] . This clarifies then the meaning of the proposition:

the day are prisoners; of night killers.

As serial comma rule allows us to choose between the comma and the conjunction best suited to the case, instead of a semicolon [;], we could using the sequence of coma, followed by and [and] . This option is also very common:

the day are prisoners, and of night killers.

Either ways would be correct in cases of ellipsis. This second option is usually used when sentences are three or more serial:

In Colombia the drug is mixed with guerrilla in Mexico, with policy and in U.S. the economic structure at all levels.

Honor, then, to whom honor is due. From Writing without pain, blog congratulate the newspaper Reforma by, first, daring to start a headline without a verb, a practice that should be abandoned as soon as you start with the verb does not guarantee greater impact. On the contrary: it can produce an extremely confusing message. Second, we congratulate you for correctly rated verbal ellipsis construction of two sentences serials. Congratulations! More days of these!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Theory Of Collinear Antenna

Department Glossary: \u200b\u200bBack and return

One of the peculiarities of Castilian spoken in Mexico is about verbs return , back and return . All three have to do with the notion that something moves from one place to another where he had been. In the English of purism, the difference is whether this transfer is done by the will of one-a human being or animal, or if someone ago that object back to where it was. In other words, you can return or back to where it was. But it can not return the book he took from the library but must return it . This is according to the educated norm, say, universal language. In Mexico, however, people back home, and also back money he had borrowed (sometimes...).

The detail is that return and return are intransitive verbs: can not add directly because its action " exhausts itself (as I like to tell my students), was not on any object, person or concept. Other common intransitive verbs, which work the same way, are go , out , get , arise , sprout , excel , etcetera. I can not out the dog but I out . I can not reach the plane but get it . I can not sprout seed but the seed alone, springs .

Therefore, the objects are back where they were previously to be returned not returned . One, however, can back or return quietly to work after it have run (if they accept back , of \u200b\u200bcourse). But no one can give back work. In any case, the outlaw who ordered the dismissal would return it .

In the cut in point on this occasion we read: "You must create a single national police is able to undertake this task. For while the body is not there it will be impossible return the armed forces to their barracks. " (Jaime Sanchez Susarrey, "Party of War," Reform , January 16, 2010). Armed Forces may return alone to barracks, or may be returned to their barracks. This would be enough to change the verb return by return : "For while that body does not exist, it will be impossible return the armed forces to their barracks. "

A droll detail : people, when you're not comfortable at work, resignation (verb used intransitively) . But in many parts, not only in Mexico, states that "A So-so resigned . " To put it another way, "So was resigned ." This would be a transitive use of intransitive verb and comical in nature. This trick also be used with other intransitive verbs: "Did not start; what out .

I firmly believe that we all talk about clear and expressive way possible, even if it contravenes the rules of the educated norm of language. But when it comes to formal written language (not necessarily literary, which obeys other rules), we must be more conservative and choose the Castilian universally applied, or almost universally. Thus we will understand very well where, at least in the century we live.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Is Dawn In Pokemon Hot

Department Score: Pancho Villa

natural languages-relatives lejanísimos Castilian, Nahuatl Chinese and current, for example, mysteriously began tens of thousands of years, and the phenomenon was only oral. The script did not enhance, or complicate-our existence until about five thousand years ago in ancient Mesopotamia, and became common practice only recently.

We tend to relate the generalization of reading and writing with the Industrial Revolution, the creation of the middle class and democratization in general. There are many regions which have not yet reached this democratization, including the oral and remains the standard for the transmission of ideas. And in others, as in Mexico today, reading and writing are taught in middle and evil, are taught . This is reflected in the general lack of management of graphical niceties that are essential in the written language. These subtleties are signs score . And through the example of today we offer readers of this blog, we realize that the person who drafted the copy (promo text), I never realized that writing is not merely the graphic reproduction of what was said out loud.

To make writing effective, it must carefully sort the words (syntax) and to clarify the relationships between the ideas expressed. For this to happen, we need to use correct punctuation, something totally unnecessary in the spoken language. That is because in communicating loudly, we use not only words but also the body. Speech are very important our tone of voice, gestures, gestures, and so on.

None of this is translated into written language if we reduce it to reproduce the words only, which are only a aspect of oral communication. And inexperienced writers-here we have called oral - think "the comma is the equivalent of a pause" (big mistake), pepper their writings with commas where they want that make readers pause. But written language is to communicate complex ideas in a way they relate very diverse. This requires a finely calibrated system that, far from confusing the reader, will happily from one to another idea without dizzy. In short, good writing is relatively clear and simple structures, composed of so they can express more complex ideas and beautiful.

If you look at the five lines of this notice published in the journal Scale Aeromexico, we see that the only punctuation mark that used before the end point is the comma. In your case it may be logical because the author may be thinking that the text would be read on the radio for a professional speaker or recited by the grandfather of the fireplace. According to this kind of editor, simply indicate where to pause to work it unobjectionable. I never realized that people would read the text would not hear any voice or any grandfather would be next to a fireplace. What he was doing, in fact, was question runs . When together in a single sentence (like this one in five lines ranging from the capitalization of "East" to the point [. ] After "Villista") two or more sentences in which there is no grammatical relationship (coordination or subordination), we question runs , as we saw in input July 9 .

Three commas to be exact. Reproduce the text, with all their overlap.

This 2010 is 100 years of the Revolution

Mexican obviously Chihuahua played a key role

this event, for it here in the spirit of

revolution follow vivo, this months Pancho Villa will be more

alive than ever in the traditional Parade Villista.

I will not even criticize doubtful questions of style, as " played a key role "instead of" had "or" played a key role. " Nor ask why is the word that between "why" and "here." Grammatically, is superfluous. But if we add the verb that requires all would be resolved, " is why that here [...]. " Construction is be emphatic in this case, if it were not, would be a case of esqueísmo . When all is said and done, what they give us in this announcement are three enjambments, which confuses the reader.

I lit in red the two words between them had used some other punctuation sentences because it is independent of which there is no grammatical relation . I repeat that this is a relationship grammatical just because relationship between them ideological , as is forced between the sentences that occur in a paragraph either . Grammatical relations are given by coordination or subordination , as seen in the entry already quoted.

The easiest and most effective way to prevent the enjambment is used a point and followed [. ] Instead of comma [,]. (Sometimes, however, was less enthusiastic question runs its own oral tradition, that neither even use commas.) We can also juxtapose question runs sentences with a semicolon [;] or colon [:], but the semicolon is not always advisable in promotional literature. It is more convenient to use in writings of more subtle, such as essays, fiction and poetry. Here also fit the two points. The other two options are, indeed, coordination (with the words and , or , or , but [ more ] but ) and subordination (through that [ which - is , whose - you - to - as ] as , under , when , how [ As ] where , who [- is ] as , while , as and if ). If we coordinate or juxtapose the prayers, we must choose carefully the most appropriate connector to explain the relationship between them ideologically.

For three enjambments in five very short lines (if we write in conventional lines, would not three), it is advisable, for clarity, would be to use point and followed. Let's do it well and will correct those issues of style questionable, in addition to putting the comma was needed after obviously because it is an adverb used an absolute . In other words, obviously not change only the verb played , as such, but the entire sentence:

This 2010 is 100 years of the Revolution

Mexicana. Obviously, Chihuahua played a key role

this event. is this that here the spirit of

revolution follow vivo. This months will be more Pancho Villa

alive than ever in the traditional Parade Villista.

points and continued to not interrupt the flow of ideas: it clarified. There is to be feared. Remember, if two sentences there is no coordination or subordination, can not separate them with commas. Need a point and followed [. ] Or semicolon [;] or colon [:]. Leaving the coma, or if it fails nothing will overlap. Have you remembered what the First Commandment of Good Writing ?

not overlap.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Differences Between Emu Bronte And

Opera (Peru ) in Ubuntu Lucid Lynx

some time I'm using (and abusing) a Huawei USB modem to connect to broadband offering Nextel Peru. Unfortunately
does not support Linux (as if we were not used), and not only that, the modem comes with a proprietary brand in question (quite heavy) instead of the files that normally would come in these "gadgets" that makes the linux detects the modem as if it were a simple USB memory.

Fortunately, the solution is quite simple.

(Ubuntu Lucid Lynx tested but should work on any distro based on Debian and even in other distributions (without apt-get part of the course).

1) Install Ubuntu Usb ModeSWITCH to detect the modem as it is and not as a memory (for some reason in some live cd is installed by default).

sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch

2) Set the connection (click to enlarge images):

By adding the new connection and must bear the huawei modem.

providers screen in the default exit Claro and Movistar, Nextel created manually.

Enter the following data as they are in the picture below is the data connection (I had to go to a PC with windows to get them ... How complicated is put in manual to help people?).

IMPORTANT: The username field should be written as follows (with the ie and space): ie

Following these steps, the connection is already established, it takes about 3 seconds (MUCH faster than on Windows with Nextel software) to connect and no additional software (if of those who annoy by the clock).

Significantly, the connection is pretty good and fast. Serve enough if one wants to use it to travel and have internet anywhere (the signal so far has never lost "hatched" even though I've moved around Lima, unlike what I've heard that of course). I have abused a bit of bandwidth to use it for torrents and has not failed me (although after a while limiting abuse bandwidth for http, a procedure that apparently also use Claro, Movistar and any provider of mobile Internet and hopefully one day cease to exist.)

If you have any questions they may leave in the comments and try to help.