Sunday, December 27, 2009

Overdose On Zopiclone

Hairspray (2007) Those good times

A while ago I saw (finally) the remake of Hairspray, one of the movies that I like one of my favorite directors: John Waters.

While the film has changes quite "superficial" (to put it in some way) as the main event is to be "Miss lacquer" and not because "Miss Auto Show, the elimination of the character of Amber's father ( who played Sonny Bono in the original) or the changing role of Mr. Stiller (better known as George Constanza's dad) who now is not the father of Tracy, but the owner of a clothing store for "strong girls" , I must say that I was entertained and really liked.

Director Adam Shankman has managed to change certain things without being disrespectful to the original version even has the luxury of having John Waters performing a few seconds (as exhibitionist) at the beginning.

not only got a good atmosphere (of truth leads us to the early 60) but found in the great creator Marc Shaiman musical he needed for a film of this type.

addition, respected the main theme of the film, which was the racial integration, not to mention that also included an actor for the role of Tracy's mother, with John Travolta in charge to replace the large transvestite (and championed by John Waters) Divine.

The weakest point is perhaps the performance of Michelle Pfeiffer as Velma Von Tussie and Zac Efron as Link, who are very opcadas next to the good performances of Travolta Queen Latifah, Elijah Kelley and Nikki Blonski (not weighed him having to replace a young Ricki Lake). I consider

Hairspray (of the 88) and this remake as a movie missed.

Grease If you never liked because it was silly, the music did not make sense and because the characters were (too) stupid, can not miss Hairspray, not only has a very interesting post (and that ultimately makes hitting a stone chest with pride with a smile on the face) but has very good songs and excellent choreography.

What are you waiting for?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Vote Of Thanks Wedding

Unfortunately I can not say I went to concerts of the 80s but, luckily for me and my generation, if we could be part (at least) in the mid 90s.

Not only that, before this could also watch videos and 'live' concert from the old school (and if you consider that before the videos came quite late the idea is much more certain).

the mid-90's was not the same thing, everything had "calmed down" a bit (so to speak) but still felt that under that little whiff seen in these years.

Definitely, new generations have not lived a good time and that is why things are different now (many are even better). You may say "But now plays in Lima Maiden and Metallica," "But now is not for sale swallow sleazy," "Now they are smelly" and things like that a lot (a lot) right. But we've been to a concert under truth, at age 15, after arriving early, scared by the looks of the older pelucones, trying to "make friends" based on the limited knowledge you had (at that time there was no internet), which we had to get a disc with our tips to record on cassette and can swap it with the wig shop that had all the "last", the we had to show that we can get something for a "song" or bootleg rare, we had to stomp slayer poles and / or purchase ones with fluorescent letters. Those of us over 26 or 27 years ... we know what it was, and that is why we miss him so much.

Here I bring you a collection of videos of the early and mid-eighties. Many bands follow up now, but really, that nothing will be the same. Not

zones and safety at concerts!

First we have the Bad Brains, for many the inventors of the pogo / mosh, playing at CBGB in 1982. This band probably had the best front man in rock history.

Following the Hxc / Punk here we have the Dead Kennedys playing "Bleed for Me" in 1984.

This video is a relic, Sadism (for many, as my friend Cesar (slayer X), the best Chilean band of all time) playing "Faces of Terror" in a local concert (in Villa Alemana - Chile) possibly in 1986 with a wild and violent mosh.

Now Peruvians and unmatched heavy mallet, to my taste one of the best bands the country has had, this concert is noventero but still see the poles "bamba" and flannel shirts. The song is "Birro the morbid and the drummer is my friend NACA also drummer Hermit Kingdom.

's case Anal Cunt has always been strange, it is hard to imagine a concert of them without a fight or an altercation at the end. Here we have them playing some songs (and destroying part of the team) at the Monsters of Shit 1988.

We can not let the band Arequipa TV-67 "commanded" by Chinese Eduardo (his video of "The Lookout" was the first Peruvian video out on MTV), here we have them in a concert under the early nineties (in Paucarpata - Arequipa) playing the theme from the Munsters.

And finally two videos of the eighties good time of American hardcore in which shows the total delivery of the public to the band (and vice versa).

definitely ... THAT GOOD TIMES! (And will not return)

Friday, December 18, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Overbite Without Braces

Dream Theater in Lima! - March 22, 2010

Happily for many fans, finally able to confirm that at the beginning seemed just a rumor on Twitter.
The American progressive metallers DREAM THEATER confirmed in their official website that will concert in Lima (in the Jockey Club) on 22 March next year.

Things started getting serious after all commercial pop concert, we hope that the ticket prices are fair and not take advantage of the fans, and that if you please. .. WANT NO ZONES.
Another thing, as we read on the web site, there are special guests tbc. Depending on who you are, this may be the most important concert of the country's history.

The theater of dreams in Lima! (Finally)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Best Receivers Under 500


And is that a title is a title without the Wizard in the stadium (and the two parties).


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thrush And Iron Defficiency

Rata Blanca and Arequipa rapists

Before talk about how great they are the two bands headlining this event called "Monsters of Rock" and how good they were their presentations, we have to talk about how poorly organized and shameful that this event is for all rockers Arequipa , all because of the lack of criteria and culture of the host, who, needless to say from here, is a hustler in letters (explain below why).

is difficult to start talking about all the things that went wrong in the "festival", so I'll start to tell you all what happened chronologically, you draw your own conclusions.

income: Income The time was at 4:00 pm, unfortunately, the doors did not open until about 6 o'clock in the afternoon. A total disrespect to all the people who had arrived early and had to stand in long queues, people began to lose patience and presented the first signs of violence.

Concert: The concert started very late, with the stands and the field empty, clear, and with prices that claimed it was impossible that the stadium is full, the Platinum area had some people (mostly people did not know where I was, for reasons that will have later), the VIP area was almost the same number as before, while the back area was almost empty, the West was the rostrum rostrum more full, while the east was 30% and 10% south grandstand.

After having to listen to salsa for a little, showing that they do not have any criteria to put the music "out" in a rock concert came on stage the first band of the night was definitely an insult to rock and rock roll and the public present. The guy who sings is called "Ares" and his group have no idea because the whole show was spent talking nonsense, saying "I am Ares", not content with spoiling 3 songs of Queen, this character, disguised as piano and with a style far removed from anything manly, sang to a song Mana (as heard on there), while in the VIP area we heard the insults and chants of "ole ole ole ole, Rata Blanca" people who were later (in the platinum) danced, was incredible, a complete insult all beliefs and thoughts rockers of any kind.

I can conclude that Ares is the worst band I've heard in my life, besides being very bad, the singer leaves much to be desired even talking, people would not stop cursing. Definitely oblivion.

When completed this banducha to play (with a song of their own "romantic" with lyrics apparently by a child of 4 years and the music too Magneto) and people thought it the worst was over, he left a fat guy with clown hair called CocoLoco "to serve the host of the concert, not only was out of place (the most important reason: The Rock and Roll Concert LEADERS ARE NOT , let alone someone I do not have a clue) but thought he was at a concert and cried chicha stupid like "this is the true rock Arequipa." You can imagine the cries of "Out M ** rd *" coming from the two stands and the VIP area. I've never seen someone so much insult, even in the stadium when a football game, the truth is a shame that there is a person Arequipa and Arequipa and then call Would have to send him to another city, but do not think they want to receive.

After all this newsprint appeared on stage a band called Hammelin, a tribute band Mago de Oz, which had a flute and two violins, the truth is that I was very pleasantly surprised, very good musicians and not only that, were also able to lift people who had been disgusted with the previous submission. Unfortunately, your show was a little short (a comparison of Ares), but still the people were happy with them.

Then, after much waiting, we go out and Tremolo, first I've heard these tacneños live and the truth is that not bad, unfortunately I got bored enough, but perhaps by fatigue and because he did not know any of their songs, as well as the sound of hurt a lot. Anyway, I saw a lot of people chanting and all. It seemed a little long your show, but I can not say they are bad, on the contrary, it shows they are very involved in his style.

After waiting a long time and endure the nasty bit of this funny and Cocoloco talking to another of his ilk who called himself "Gerardo Manuel" finally left Los Violadores. Pil Trafa and company continue to show they are a legend. Unfortunately, the people below had no idea that thing was a punk pogo nor knew the songs, is more, half of the show Pil Trafa declined to share with the people, which is well lit and a bit, a shame for the city that has an audience so little delivered. And that is clear, with prices, many rockers really had to stay in the stands or the VIP area. Later I saw my friend enjoyed the concert Memo Salas (lead singer of decomposed matter) and some other old-school punks. General chorus One, Two, Ultraviolento (no pogo unfortunately) and end with a really beautiful national anthem on guitar.

Then people started to revolt and tribuneras areas began to invade the pitch, so that the organizer (As always appealing to the stupid test) sent the hated and Cocoloco to calm things down, but it's like sending a madman to recite poetry, and the very unusual (because really I did was very far from normal for any man) all we got was to generate more violence, even started to sing the anthem of Arequipa (¿?), for which he was booed and insulted in general. Finally released
shame phrases as "Rata Blanca out right now and please stay in their places, dance and choreography to make their (sic) but not pushed" (¿?), in the VIP area were heard shouting " Son of P * t * "while people in the stands had disarmed a kiosk to use parts of the bridge and thus pass on the court.

After the shock that was sent to the organizer, only managed to keep out people to the VIP stands, but let the people of VIP Platinum passes, which led to discomfort and also made it a shame the city as Rata Blanca to a first zone would play without an audience and with many gaps. Finally

Rata Blanca could go to show what they are, too many words for this great concert, they are definitely the best thing about South America and the heavy metal world.
not only played songs from their new album out, but also classics from the likes of "Just to love you "to the end to close the first part with" Warriors of the Rainbow "and then go out and make a (now says" encore "with good reason, apparently, because now the" Bis "no are repetitions) with Woman In Love and The Legend of Fairy and the Wizard, with which (just) a small mosh was assembled in the VIP area.

Rata Blanca is a lurching period.

Then when more than 80% of retired people, came to the stage SLAUGHTER but I can not comment that this was because I was me (and were more or less the 3 am).

Despite the high level of the two headlining bands of While they played yesterday, this festival will surely be the last having the white city, not only for the low attendance, but also by the rubbish that was.

had only two bathrooms for area, which had huge queues, and could end up much worse if more people would. A tremendous abuse. Not only that, the lack of criteria for choosing the "host" and the first band to play was the last straw. But it all came to CON levels (in letters) as they never saw or Mar de Copas Virus in Argentina (and 12 hours of rock?), Which is why I will file a complaint tomorrow to INDECOPI because it is an abuse that charge a lot of money for a concert badly organized and on top INCOMPLETE. From this humble space recommend people who do the same, we claim our money! If we are many possibly achieve. Significantly

put two giant screens beside the stage, but these were only lit when the call came out the Ares Unfortunately, all the rest of the concert was off, unfortunately, because the audience could not appreciate the hands of Master Walter Giardino about when running their excellent solos. One more to the tiger stripe

The sound? Not to mention, the sound was crap, to many single teacher soured Giardino, a disgrace, recontra saturated and poorly equalized, recontra sounded fuzzy. Pay so much to have a festive sound school family. SCAMMED again.

From here my total rejection to the organizer and its "leaders" and friend bands.

(here some pictures of the concert thanks to my godmother @ ladylariens)

So you know, do not let the scam, tomorrow everyone INDECOPI to claim what is right.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fleetwood Scorpion Problems

Review: Mortal Sin Ronnie James Dio

Much was expected of this concert, despite being a Sunday and the proximity of the concert of Rata Blanca, people do not want to fail, so it came as night, more than 150 bangers began to prowl around the premises where the event take place. Unfortunately

time that appeared in the flyer was not respected, the doors opened an hour later, but since people are already accustomed to such delays, not many were affected by waiting outside.

Once inside, I found many old school mates, all excited to see this Australian legend finally after a long time, and no less than in his homeland, a dream that until recently, seemed impossible.

The first band to go on stage was Graven Embrace, banda women, I could only see it once before many years when they supported the Loco Cervantes. I seem to have changed his vocals, but still played the same cover of After Forever who played last time. The band is not bad, but I liked more the first time I saw her.

Then came Umbra, which among its own set list of topics put a good version of Ace of Spades (first mosh of the night, Who will be started?: D) and also a cover of Annihilator that we had already been enjoy before when they supported Paul Dianne, I think the band has stalled a bit, but I think it is the few opportunities they have to play, hopefully continue to improve.

After a lottery organized by Hell Store, in conjunction with my friend who served as a showman Renan, translator and facilitator, came out (after an undue delay) Chask'a the stage.
I must admit I have not heard his album conscience because I liked the demo song. But I must admit that is a piece of band. I have not enjoyed myself so much watching a local band / national. Carlo and co. are playing better than ever, not only provided a great show, but also pervades them well with the public arequipense, which really surprised that this romance ended in the best way when they played fallen empire and Sweet Lover Lyrics that Arequipa was born and always greet you with smiles, mosh and general chorus.
do not understand how a band so good it still can not get out, and should be playing in other countries and showing that they are the best in its genre.

Then came the eagerly awaited by all. The legend of the global metal thrash FINALLY stepped on stage, people were possessed by the excitement of seeing their heroes ... at home.

tore with The Curse, which served well as a tense intro for what would come next, mosh, mosh, mosh mosh and more. People thanked
songs like "Lebanon" "Voyage of the disturbed", "Blood, Death, Hatred" and "Mayhemic Destruction," plus a cover of ACDC chanted ("Whole Lotta Rosie") to finish (more tired than ever) in a wild mosh the classic "I am immortal."

definitely the most important concert that has ever lived under the white city (far behind was the memorable concert at the beginning of the century Transmetal). Thank you from this humble space to Shogun for having risked so much to offer us such a good show, unfortunately it was not many people, I hope there has been a great loss and that feelings are not lost to follow both at bringing bands.

To finish and to be objective, we list some good and bad about the concert:

Date: Sunday Unfortunately it hurt a lot of assistance, I say it was the fault of the organizer of Cusco, and he canceled his concert which made the band were walking around Lima on Saturday.

Attendance: Another low point, not advertising if it failed or if there is simply no more bangers in Arequipa, I estimate no more than 200 people.

Local: local A large and comfortable, with bathrooms and bar, small stage but "duplex", a little low for my taste.

Security : very low point, the hired security was the same as the club, not only had no idea how to manage people at a concert, but they were aggressive and abusive, hopefully at least have had a couple of good shots dice. For me until I spilled a punch when all he was doing was helping to pick up a fallen. A complete disgrace mindless thugs have been responsible for this important work.

Sound: EXCELLENT could be heard very well, when it hit Chask'a. The flute and the bagpipe is heard very clear, I had never been made clear sound in the history of the city. Soundman was my friend Paul Pinto, who also did an excellent job.

Bands: As already mentioned the two bands opening act of performance, which was to warm the public, and well, Chask'a was an opening act for a performance luxury class.

Punctuality: Another pulled at this point, unfortunately, never adhered to schedules flyer.

Price: It seemed only fair. A plus for the organization.

Quite apart from this, the organization deserves a big applause for making a book signing hours before the concert, which unfortunately very few attend fans. But we were we could take pictures, talking, hugging and sharing with our idols.
I am completely grateful for that.

PD: The band and bassist Andy thanked the public Arequipa in your facebook calling him to be the craziest. Do not put this to the other cities, definitely were surprised by the overwhelming response from the audience. MORTAL SIN devastated

AREQUIPA, and whether it deserved.

(movies thanks to my friend Andrew "Thrasher" Palomino, who was not only celebrating his birthday, but he shot and mosheó and swam a good time over the people)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Where To Buy Numbering Candles In Singapore

Arequipa vs. Cancer (Long live Rock and Roll)

Possibly the saddest story I have to comment on more than 4 years of blogger, and possibly the saddest news that has had the history of rock and roll.

A week ago we learned that Ronnie James Dio was admitted to hospital so sick and canceled his European tour, but not on the official website or in the mass media was published some more details.

Today, on the web site which to me is the best singer in the history of rock and roll and that their sixties still maintains the excellent voice that everyone knew, Wendy Dio (wife of singer) publishes the following :

"Ronnie has-been Diagnosed with the early stages of stomach cancer. We are Starting Immediately Treatment at the Mayo Clinic. After I have this dragon kills, Ronnie will be back on stage, Where I Belongs, What He loves doing best, performing for historical fans.

Thanks to all the friends and fans around the world Have That sat well Wishes. This has really historical spirit helper to keep up.

Long Live Rock and Roll, Long Live Ronnie James Dio "

(Ronnie was diagnosed with stomach cancer in early stage. We are initiating immediate treatment at the Mayo Clinic. After the kill this dragon, Ronnie will be back on stage, where it belongs, making what he loves most, performing for his fans.

Thanks to all the friends and fans around the world who sent their wishes for improvement. This has really helped keep his spirit up.

Long live Rock and Roll, Long Live Ronnie James Dio)

Particularly it affects me a lot, not only because I am a big fan of it, or because He is by far the best voice in rock and roll singer and also the best band of all time (besides his great career in "solitary confinement), but also for the good and healthy image that always was, because he was always a very good person for all that contributed rock and roll (to patent his horns, Fuck Gene Simmons!), so it was a good person because you never sold (learn Ozzy), and like many, I could never see Heaven and Hell live (of course, Lima is the capital of pop concerts, but when the best band in the world is walking across South America, just not look at us.) Ronnie never Do not die.


Friday, November 20, 2009

24 Volt Chargewr Schematic

Menudo> Depeche Mode bloody

Just Can not Get Enough (Depeche Mode) vs

Fuego (Menudo)

Pinta: Equally Maricota.
Music: Just as Maricota .
Fans: do not need to write it.
Release date of the Depeche Mode song: October 5, 1981
Release date Menudo's song: ?? , 1981

Who copied who?

The songs are just the same, but ... Was it a lively youth group from the eighties? Depeche Mode Do paid tribute to his favorite band? Was it a matter of fate that the two songs sound the same in the same year?

... but that if the song is often much heavier.

(post # nadaquever but recontra # true at a time that I have no time to post much)

Update: Thanks to @ hdanniel we realized that if you listen to two songs backwards sounds while one of Metallica's Death Magnetic. # Creepy

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Peritoneum Cancer Survival

take bullfighting is now being fashionable, and everyone Pitea protest against bullfights (which apparently is something very fashion and are not "in" but you do), to remind all friends of animals (out of conviction or fashion) not only from Spain come the abuses and crimes, here in Peru we also have a horrible and bloody tradition: The Yawar Fiesta.

For those who studied literature in college, Yawar Fiesta is a horrible and sad ceremony where the villagers in the areas of Apurimac and Ayacucho find no better way to show your sadism and fun to tie a condor to the back one poor bull, meanwhile, a group of idiots out a "bullfight" but not to cloak or sword, but by explosives, always trying to harm the bull and not the Condor (you can imagine the pain of the bull in the back with the nervousness of the condor is up to much noise), this whole sad spectacle lasts about two hours and not stop until the bull dies.

Enough blood? Enough suffering? What do we want to protest against the infamous party?

We also know that increasingly less so this tradition thanks to efforts of many environmental groups / animal advocates, but it is not abolished completely ... and not far away.

What we hope to help?
Or is unfashionable?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pokemon Heartgold Desmume Rom

The other party does not love anyone Álvaro Portales? (Part 2)

Not just because Creole monsters for his record collection or your book collection. The reasons are growing day by day.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Broken Veins On Breast

When the cover is better than the original song # 2

Original: Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Cover: Napalm Death - Nazi Punks Fuck Off

(do not forget to visit the # 1 and wait a little because it is the # 3)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Braid Disneyland Bracelet

When the cover is better than the original song # 1

Original: Mano Negra - Mala Vida

Cover: Gogol Bordello - Mala Vida

(do not miss the # 2 coming out in a few days)